Friday, September 17, 2010

Lebaran, oh, lebaran...

Lebaran tahun ini mungkin adalah lebaran yang paling mendidik. Lebaran yang membuka mata saya lebih lebar akan kebesaran Allah. Lebaran yang paling morbid, if you will…

Lebaran tahun 2010M/1431H adalah lebaran pertama keluarga Salman di Jakarta. Sebenernya dari pihak org2 Jakarta n Bandung, g ada yg suka lebaran di Jakarta. Bagi org Bandung, Jakarta trlalu jauh n d Bandung jd sepi. Bagi org Jakarta, mreka g bs mudik n d Jakarta jg sepi.

Hari Jumat, 10 September 2010, hari H lebaran. Solat Ied, n makan2 di rumah Wa Amy. Niatnya malem itu jg kita langsung pergi ke Jakarta. And we did. Oh iya, di tengah jalan ada yg ngasih tau ke mama klo Wa Ismand masuk rumah sakit.

Malem itu kita pergi ke Jakarta sekitar jam 20.00. Jalan lancar, g macet… tapi di KM 85, tiba2 papa nyetir ke bahu jalan. Aku pikir papa cape, ternyata kata papa remnya berat, takut celaka. Jadi kita berenti, sekitar 30 menitan sampe mama nemu nomor telepon Jasa Marga lewat internet. Kita manggil orang Jasa Marga, n sambil nunggu, papa negbuka kap mobil buat nyari tau knapa remnya jadi berat. Ternyata fan belt mobilnya putus, n ngebelit di baling2nya. Daripada celaka, mending diderek aja mobilnya.

Beberapa menit kemudian, org Jasa Marga dateng n ngbawa kita ke Jatiluhur, dimana ada bengkel punya kenalannya org Jasa Marga. Kita stay di situ sekitar satu jam sambil nungguin Wa Nenen yg lagi jalan menuju Jatiluhur dari Bandung. Fan belt buat Panther abis d bengkel itu, jd kudu nungguin smp pagi buat beli fan belt yg baru d tmpt laen. Pas Wa Nenen nyampe, beliau ngusulin buat nelepon A Davy yg ada di Bekasi bwt cari bengkel 24 jam deket rumah, n nganterin fan belt itu ke Jatiluhur, sementara aku, mama, n Teh Atin dibawa ke Bekasi, papa ditemenin A Ian yg dibawa sama Wa Nenen.

Nyampe di Bekasi, mama, Teh Atin, Wa Nenen n Bapa Yudi pergi ke rumah sakit, nengokin Wa Ismand. Aku tidur sama ponakanku, Fia, n sodaraku, Teh Isti, yg sbntar lg nglahirin.

On a side note, papa, A Ian, A Davy n Teh Pipit yg nemenin A Davy sukses nyampe Bekasi pas adzan Subuh bsk paginya, n mobilku baik2 saja. Alhamdulillah.

Hari kedua lebaran, smuanya pada kecapean. Pagi2 jam 7:45, ada berita kalo Wa Ismand bakal dioperasi, 4 hours tops. Kita smua yg tadinya mau pergi, ngebatalin rencana krn smua org level 1 pada pergi k rumah sakit bwt nemenin kluarganya Wa Ismand. Pada akhirnya, smua org pada trkapar tidur. Operasi selesai dgn sukses, mama n papaku kbagian ngjagain bareng kluarganya Wa Ismand d RS. Malemnya aku n sodara2ku pada pergi ke J.CO, I dunno why, but it was a good change…

Hari ketiga lebaran, yang juga hari ulang tahun Teh Atin, yang juga hari dimana aku pulang ke Bandung, dimulai dgn aku n Teh Atin pergi k RS Siloam Karawaci bwt ktmu sm kluarganya Wa Ismand, soalnya aku blm ngucapin slmt lebaran n such… akhirnya ktemu anak2nya Wa Ismand, n aku ngucapin slamat lebaran… terus aku, Teh Atin, Fia, Teh Pipit, Teh Alia, Teh Syifa n Wa Iie pergi k Benton Junction bwt makan, trus k Supermal Karawaci bwt nyari CD Nightmare yg smp skrg blm ddpt. Sial.

Bgitu balik lagi k RS, aku, mama n papa langsung balik k Bandung. Teh Atin masih belom puas maen sm sodara2, jd dia minta ditinggal.

Di Bandung, papa berenti sebentar di Metro bwt beli makanan. Aku n papa diem d mobil, mama beli makanan dr KFC. Papa ditelepon sm salah satu dr Uwa-ku yg ada di Jakarta, katanya life support Wa Ismand udh dicabut, setelah meminta keluarganya untuk mengikhlaskan Wa Ismand. Begitu sampe di rumah, aku udh nyari posisi enak di depan TV, mama baru keluar dari kamar mandi, papa nerima telepon n cuma ngomong, “Innalillahi..”. Itu sekitar pukul 20.15

Sebenernya beliau blm flat line, tp udh dinyatakan meninggal. Beliau flat line pukul 22.00. Dua jam kemudian, dibawa ke RS Kramat Jati untuk dimandiin, terus dibawa ke Pangadegan untuk disalatin, terus jam 2 dibawa ke rumah duka di Bandung.

Keluargaku n keluarganya Tia, yang udh ada di Bandung, nyiapin rumah duka. Kita menghadapi beberapa dokter n polisi yg bersedia ngebantu apapun. Bahkan kita ngehadapin tetangga Wa Ismand yg dtg berlinangan air mata.

Besoknya, jam 5.30, kita pergi k rumah duka lagi, sekarang jenazahnya udh siap. Aku, Teh Atin, n Teh Syifa numpang tidur d kamar Teh Ayu sampe jam 8. Jam 10, jenazah udh siap dikuburin. Sebelum itu, karena Wa Ismand itu Kombespolri, jadi ada upacara khusus. Setelah jenazah diserahkan kepada negara, snare drum n terompet dimaenin, semua tangis meledak.

Di tengah pemakaman, ada berita kalau Teh Isti bakal mulai operasi caesar jam 16.00. Teh Syifa, Teh Alia, Teh Atin (yg masih pengen k Jakarta), Wa Iting n Wa Nenen langsung berangkat ke Jakarta.

Begitu pemakaman selesai, aku sama mama langsung ke Teh Nisa n Wa Ayot. Wa Ayot bilang sama aku, “Maafin Wa Ismand ya…”

Sesungguhnya aku pengen bilang, “Nggak bisa Wa. Arin nggak bisa ngemaafin Wa Ismand… soalnya nggak ada yang harus dimaafin. Rasanya Wa Ismand nggak pernah salah sama Arin…”

Because it’s true. He never did anything wrong to me. Always so great to me.

Lebaran tahun ini gelap. Kelabu. Morbid. Tapi ini semua udah jadi rencana Allah. Emang udah waktunya semua ini terjadi. Subhanallah.

Life is filled with injustice, but we shouldn’t see it like that. Maybe Allah has other plans for us, and we just have to accept it gracefully.

We shouldn’t take anyone for granted, because we’re gonna lose them, and we don’t know when.

Semua event bisa diambil hikmah dan pelajarannya. Semuanya udah diplan sama Allah, and we can’t interfere.

Friday, May 7, 2010


HOKAI. I'm bored. I'm gonna make a small list of my favorite bands. I like other bands than these bands, but these are the bands that I LOVE.

1. Queen (1971 - 1997)
Dude, I've been listening to this band since I was, what? Four years old or something? How can I NOT love this band?
First song: Bohemian Rhapsody (A Night at the Opera)
First video: Bohemian Rhapsody (A Night at the Opera)
Favorite song: Princes of the Universe (A Kind of Magic)
Favorite video: Calling All Girls (Hot Space)

2. Queen + Paul Rodgers (2005 - 2009)
The transformation after Freddie Mercury died. Paul Rodgers is a very badass singer, and he wasn't even trying to replace Freddie in the band. He was just him.
First song: Reaching Out (Return of the Champions)
Favorite song: Cosmos Rockin' (The Cosmos Rocks)

3. Avenged Sevenfold (1999 - present)
I got really hooked on them when I was in 9th grade, but I've heard of them since 8th grade. At that time I couldn't figure out why people would love them. Not I couldn't figure out why people DON'T love them.
First song: Bat Country (City of Evil)
First video: Seize the Day (City of Evil)
Favorite song: Until the End (Diamonds in the Rough)
Favorite video: Seize the Day (City of Evil)

4. My Chemical Romance (2001 - present)
First heard of them when I was in 7th grade on MTV. They were playing 'Black Parade' on MTV and what really caught my attention was the band name, because it's really rare and unique. At that time, I love blonde!Gerard, now? Not so much :/
First song: Welcome to the Black Parade (The Black Parade)
First video: Welcome to the Black Parade (The Black Parade)
Favorite song: The Sharpest Lives (The Black Parade)
Favorite video: The Ghost of You (Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge)

5. Simple Plan (1999 - present)
My sister got me hooked on this one. She listened to 'Perfect' non-stop and it rubbed off to me. So I got her to thank. Thanks, sis!
First song: Perfect (No Pads, No Helmets... Just Balls)
First video: I'm Just a Kid (No Pads, No Helmets... Just Balls)
Favorite song: No Love (Simple Plan)
Favorite video: I'm Just a Kid (No Pads, No Helmets... Just Balls)

6. Panic! at the Disco (2004 - present)
Again, the band name and the song caught my attention to this band. I got really hooked on them when I was in 10th grade, but I've already known them for long.
First song: I Write Sins Not Tragedies (A Fever You Can't Sweat Out)
First video: I Write Sins Not Tragedies (A Fever You Can't Sweat Out)
Favorite song: New Perspective (Jennifer's Body Soundtrack)
Favorite video: Nine in the Afternoon (Pretty. Odd.)

7. Good Charlotte (1995 - present)
I only knew one song and one line of this band before I like them. It was 'Ahha, ahha, keep your hands off my girl, keep your hands off my girl...' XD
First song: Keep Your Hands Off My Girl (Good Morning Revival)
First video: Keep Your Hands Off My Girl (Good Morning Revival)
Favorite song: Broken Hearts Parade (Good Morning Revival)
Favorite video: Girls & Boys (The Young and the Hopeless)

8. Green Day (1987 - present)
Wow. This band is OLD. Haha. Well, I already know this band but really got to like them for real when I was in 10th grade...
First song: American Idiot (American Idiot)
First video: American Idiot (American Idiot)
Favorite song: Before the Lobotomy (21st Century Breakdown)
Favorite video: Holiday (American Idiot)

9. Fall Out Boy (2001 - 2009) (hiatus)
I knew this band exists, but I didn't know any of their songs. Haha. So I decided to browse their videos on YouTube and chose the right song. Fell in love instantly to Patrick's voice.
First song: This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race (Infinity on High)
First video: This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race (Infinity on High)
Favorite song: 20 Dollar Nose Bleed (Folie a Deux)
Favorite video: I Don't Care (Folie a Deux)

10. Papa Roach (1993 - present)
Well, to be honest, I knew this band, but I never knew the songs and the members. I only knew Jacoby Shaddix at that time, and that I knew it from a fan fiction community in LiveJournal. Haha. Gotta admit, I only love the band at that time because Coby is smoking hot. But when I heard their song, I was blown away.
First song: Lifeline (Metamorphosis)
First video: Lifeline (Metamorphosis)
Favorite song: Hollywood Whore (Metamorphosis)
Favorite video: Scars (Getting Away With Murder)

11. The Academy Is... (2003 - present)
I didn't really like this band at first. I never knew them, even. I only knew William because he was mentioned a lot in FBR fan fictions XD So I decided to check them out and guess what? I'm hooked.
First song: About a Girl (Fast Times at Barrington High)
First video: About a Girl (Fast Times at Barrington High)
Favorite song: Neighbors (Santi)
Favorite video: We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands (Santi)

12. Cobra Starship (2005 - present)
Again, knew this band from fan fictions mentioning Gabe a lot, so I decided to check them out. I love them with a passion and their concert is my first concert, so they have a special place in my heart :)
First song: Guilty Pleasure (¡Viva la Cobra!)
First video: Guilty Pleasure (¡Viva la Cobra!)
Favorite song: Pete Wentz is the Only Reason We're Famous (Hot Mess)
Favorite video: The City is at War (¡Viva La Cobra!)

13. Paramore (2004 - present)
Didn't really like 'em once upon a time. Then I got hooked, recently, because Hayley's just too badass. Ha.
First song: Misery Business (Riot!)
First video: Misery Business (Riot!)
Favorite song: Brick by Boring Brick (brand new eyes)
Favorite video: Brick by Boring Brick (brand new eyes)

14. The Killers (2002 - present)
There are a couple of The Killers songs that I already know and like, but I never knew the song titles and such, f.e.: Mr. Brightside, When You Were Young... Felt like a total idiot when I found out -_-'
First and favorite song and video: Mr. Brightside (Hot Fuss)

15. All Time Low (2003 - present)
I like this band, very recently. When I heard Good Charlotte, Paramore and Simple Plan were playing Bamboozle, their video came up, and I loved it. Haha.
First song: Weightless (Nothing Personal)
First video: Weightless (Nothing Personal)
Favorite song: Dear Maria, Count Me In (So Wrong, It's Right)
Favorite video: Damned if I Do Ya (Damned if I Don't) (Nothing Personal)

16. 30 Seconds to Mars (1998 - present)
I started to love this band after my family installed the cable TV. I watched MTV Asia and heard their song, it was so great and the video was amazing. Decided to make a research and here I am :)
First song: Kings and Queens (This is War)
First video: Kings and Queens (This is War)
Favorite song: Night of the Hunter (This is War)
Favorite video: The Kill (A Beautiful Lie)

17. Muse (1994 - present)
I think I've always loved this band, but I decided to love them more these days, especially after knowing that my boyfriend loves them too XD
First song: Unintended (Showbiz)
First video: Undisclosed Desires (The Resistance)
Favorite song: Resistance (The Resistance)
Favorite video: Uprising (The Resistance)

18. It Boys!
Well, this is still a very small band, but I'm pretty sure they'll go big later on, because I love their song and their style. This band is associated with DCMA Collective, since the keyboardist, Tommy Coops a.k.a. Tommy Cooperman is the brother of one of the owners of DCMA Collective, Tal Cooperman.
First and favorite song and video: Miss Hollywood

I guess that's it!

I'll update this when I found a new band I love ;)

- Theo Aquamarine

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Arin inget... 10 taun yg lalu. Tanggal 5 Mei 2000.

Arin baru bangun tidur gara2 dibangunin mama. I heard something that is very much unpleasant for someone to hear early in the morning after they woke up...

"Rin, Aki meninggal,"

Kaget. Sedih. Bingung. Semuanya campur aduk. Otak langsung mikir, "Nah loh. Kenapa? Kapan? Kok bisa?" Padahal, Aki sempet pulang dari rumah sakit, Arin g inget knapa beliau bs masuk rumah sakit, tp beliau smpet pulang, udh naek kursi roda. Padahal beliau udh keliatan sehat bgt, meski pake kursi roda. Tapi kok, kenapa?

At last, I hauled my ass off the bed and took a shower. Put on one of my favorite Muslimah outfit I had. Dress panjang warna biru tua, putih sama merah, motifnya bunga-bunga, ada banyak rendanya. What? I was a really feminine kid back then, okay?

Arin turun dari kamar kluarga yg ada di lantai 2 rumah kakek-nenek, atau aki-eni Arin. Dan Arin jalan ke ruang utama, dimana, Arin liat, ada ranjang kayu warna coklat tua, kasur putih, di atasnya udah ada badan yang udah dibungkus kain kafan. Arin deketin, dan Arin mulai nangis pas Arin liat muka Aki yang keliatan damaaaaai banget.

Arin tungguin sampe Aki beres dimandiin. Dan Arin ikutan solat jenazah untuk pertama kalinya. Tentunya, Arin g tau bacaan2nya, Arin cuma ngikutin gerakannya, sambil berdoa buat Aki.

Kita smua pergi ke pemakaman Karang Anyar d Jl. Dewi Sartika, deket Kings Alun-Alun. Dan waktu Aki udh diturunin ke dalem makam n makamnya udh ditutup lagi, Arin mulai nangis. Arin g bs fokus sama doa2 yg lagi dibacain. Arin cuma fokus sama kenyataan, kalo Aki, Aki yg Arin sayangin, Aki yg sayang bgt sm Arin, udh meninggal.

Aki is possibly the best grandfather, next to my grandfather from my dad's side, ever. Arin bisa bner2 ngerasain klo Arin disayang bgt sama Aki. Aki is a really generous person. Aki sering banget ngasih Arin makanan yg Aki tau Arin suka. Coklat, keju... Aki jg seneng bgt ngajak Arin k macem2 tempat naek mobil Peugeot coklat. Ke supermarket, ke tempat kerjanya... and I always had an amazing time with him, no matter what we did together.

And now... it's been 10 years. I was 6 when he died. I was still in the 1st grade of Elementary School.
Now, I’m 16 years old. I’m currently in the 11th grade in Senior High School, going to be a 12th grader pretty soon.

Aki nggak sempet liat Arin naek ke kelas 2 SD. 10 tahun kehidupan Arin direnggut dari Aki, atas izin Allah. Arin nggak akan marah, Arin nggak akan kesel sama siapapun, karena Arin tau, ini jalan yg paling baik bwt Aki, bwt Arin, buat smua orang yg berasosiasi sama Aki.

Arin harap... Aki bisa liat Arin dari manapun Aki berada saat ini. Arin harap Aki bisa bangga dan nerima apapun yang Arin lakuin. Arin mau bikin papa, mama, teteh, Aki, Eni, Eyang Kakung, Yangti, keluarga besar Salman, keluarga besar Dasril, bangga sama Arin. Semuanya.

Doa Arin selalu nyertain Aki biar Aki dikasih tempat yg layak dan lapang di sisi Allah, Aki diterima smua amal baik yang udah Aki perjuangin sewaktu Aki masih hidup...

Arin sayang sama Aki, Arin kangen sama Aki.

Much love,
Your 14th granddaughter! :D
Arin <3

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Chronicles of Cobra Concert XD

Well, it all started with a tweet... from Adrie Subono, Indonesian concert promoter.

Dy nawarin Cobra Starship konser d Jakarta n diterima. Gw jingkrak2 kegirangan. Meski baru jadi (unofficial) Cobra Crew, tapi gw cinta berat sm band satu ini.

Terus tanggalny jg pas2an sm kakak kelas yg pada UN, jadi gw ngga sekolah!

Yg jadi kendala tuh cuma izin ortu n temen pulang pergi Jakarta-Bandung...

n gw juga nemu dia di Twitter! SNnya missmest, nama aslinya Anggie. Kita sama2 snasib, pengen ntn konser Cobra tp g punya tmen.

Tapi tetep aja gw g dapet izin. Sebel :(

22 Maret 2010, H-1

Masih blom dpt izin juga. Ticket box online di ditutup jam 5. At that time, I could really care less, soalny gw pikir gw g bakal ntn.

Eh, tiba2 si mama lagi chatting sm sodara gw, Teh Isti, soal rencana gw di Jakarta bwt ntn Cobra Starship. Nah loh. Kayak yg boleh aja gw ntn konser...

Trus mama ngejelasin smua rencananya. Tinggal minta izin papa.

Waduh. I'm not good with words...

Pada akhirnya, gw bilang gini sm papa: "Pa, boleh ngga?"

"Terserah deh,"

Waduh. Reaksinya g bgitu bagus. Red alert. Tapi tungtungnya mah diizinin, asal mama gw nganterin n nemenin.

23 Maret 2010, Hari H

Hanya satu kendala baru gw. TIKET. Gw blom punya tiket. Sinting.

Untung ada sodara2ku skalian yg tinggal di Jakarta. A Beni, suaminya Teh Isti mesenin tiket festival 2 bwt gw n Anggie, dianter ke kantornya Teh Isti. Oh, thank you!

Gw dan Anggie, yg blom prnah liat muka satu sama laen, janjian di depan komplek gw jam 1 siang. Bgitu ktemu, qt langsung cabut k Bank Mandiri Buah Batu, dimana papa gw udh stand-by, siap nganterin k kantor mama gw, Kimia Farma Cihampelas.

Nungguin bntar smp jam 2. Trus qt langsung k Baraya Travel. Ngambil travel plg cpet ke Melawai and off we go to Jakarta. Slept most of the journey.

Dua setengah jam kmudian, qt nyampe di Pool Baraya Travel Melawai. Nungguin bntar smp Teh Isti dtg, trus kita went straight to Tennis Indoor Senayan.

Kita nyampe skitar jam 6an, trus kita went straight in. Dapet spot di pembatas antara front row n back row. Cukup strategis.


Tiba2 Danny Hutto, merch guy-ny Cobra Starship, muncul, ngomong trus dia joget2. Cakep n bodor skali. XD

Jam 20:30, the lights went off, and the crowd went crazy. Including me and Anggie.

And Cobra Starship took the stage with The City is at War!

Gw lupa pas lagu apaan, tapi pas beres lagu, Gabe megang kabel mic yg udh g ada micnya.

Vicky-T nanya: "Where the hell's your microphone?"

Ternyata Gabe, saking semangatnya, muter2in micnya pke kabelnya, trus micnya kelempar entah kmana.

Tapi, as Ryland said: "If something's broken, that means we're having a great time!"


They played a total of 15 songs:

1. The City is at War

2. Pete Wentz is the Only Reason We're Famous

3. Nice Guys Finish Last

4. Kiss My Sass

5. My Moves are White (White Hot, That Is)

6. Wet Hot American Summer

7. The Church of Hot Addiction

8. Send My Love to the Dancefloor, I'll See You in Hell (Hey, Mr. DJ)

9. Smile for the Paparazzi

10. Bring It (Snakes on a Plane)

11. Hot Mess

12. Guilty Pleasure


13. Hollaback Boy (excerpt)

14. The Scene is Dead; Long Live the Scene

15. Good Girls Go Bad

Di tengah Snakes on a Plane, Gabe narik satu cewek, namanya Salsa, buat nge-rap. Pas Gabe nanya namanya, dy kaget trus nanya: "Salsa? Like, Salsa?" sambil joget. Wkwkwkwk XD

All in all, it was the perfect first concert for me.

The aftermath of the jumping and the singing along to songs and the screamings were felt on the next morning though...


Nyareri cangkeng, sakit kaki, suara serak...


Thank you, Cobra Starship, for making my first concert ever a memorable one.

I'll never forget this event, ever!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Desolation Row (cover)

Singer: My Chemical Romance
Written by: Bob Dylan
Album: Watchmen Soundtrack

They're selling postcards of the hanging
Well, they're painting the passports brown
And the beauty parlor's filled with sailors
The circus is in town

And now here comes the blind commissioner
Well they've got him in a trance
One hand is tied to the tight rope walker
The other is in his pants

And the riot squad, they're restless
They need somewhere to go
As Lady and I look up tonight from
Desolation row

Cinderella, she seems so easy
"Well, it takes one to know one," she smiles
And she puts her hands in her back pockets
Oh, Bette Davis style

And now here comes Romeo, moaning
"You belong to me, I believe,"
And someone says, "You're in the wrong place, my friend,
You'd better leave,"

And then the only sound that's left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up on
Desolation row

At midnight all the agents and superhuman crew
Go out and round up everyone who knows more then they do
Then they bring them to the factory where the heart attack machine
Is strapped across their shoulders and then the kerosene

Is brought down from the castles
By insurance men who go
Check to see that nobody is escaping to
Desolation row

But right now I can't read too good
Don't send me no more letters, no
Not unless you got a mail them from
Desolation row


Singer: Avenged Sevenfold
Album: City of Evil

Staring at the carnage, praying that the sun will never rise
Living another day in disguise
These feelings can't be right
Lend me your courage to stand up and fight
Whoa, tonight
Stand up and fight

The fighting rages on and on
To challenge me you must be strong
I walk your land but don't belong
Two million soldiers can't be wrong

It's no fun, but I've been here before
I'm far from home, and I'm fighting your war
(Not the way I pictured this, I wanted better things)
Some are scared, others killing for fun
I shot a mother right in front of her son
(Take this from my consciousness and please erase my dream)

Fight for honor, fight for your life
Pray to God that our side is right
Though we won, I still may lose
Until I make it home to you
I see our mothers filled with tears
"Grew up so fast, where did those years go?"
Memories won't let you cry
Unless I don't return tonight

So many soldiers on the other side
I take their lives so they can't take mine
(Scared to make it out alive, now murder's all I know)
Nobody tells me all the reasons we're here
I have my weapon so there's nothing to fear
(Another day, another life but nothing real to show for)

Fight for honor, fight for your life
Pray to God that our side is right
Though we won, I still may lose
Until I make it home to you
I see our mothers filled with tears
"Grew up so fast, where did those years go?"
Memories won't let you cry
Unless I don't return tonight

Staring at the carnage, praying that the sun will never rise
Living another day in disguise
These feelings can't be right
Lend me your courage to stand up and fight

Watching the death toll rise, wondering how I'm alive
Stranger's blood on my hands, shot all I can
There are no silent nights, watching your brothers all die
To destroy all their plans, with no thought of me
No thought of me, no thought of me

Walk the city lonely, memories that haunt are passing by
A murderer walks your streets tonight
Forgive me for my crimes, don't forget that I was so young
Fought so scared in the name of God and country

Hot Mess

Singer: Cobra Starship
Written by: Gabe Saporta, Kara DioGuardi, P. Lawrence
Album: Hot Mess

(Cobra Starship)

You were a problem, child
Been grounded your whole life so now you're running wild
Playing with them good girls, no that ain't your style
You think you're hot shit
Ooh, I love it, I love it, yeah, yeah

Stumbling but yeah, you're still looking hella fine
Keep doing whatcha doin', I'mma make you mine

Well, you're a hot mess, and I'm falling for you
And I'm like, hot damn, let me make you my boo
'Cos you can shake it, shake it, shake it, yeah you know what to do
You're a hot mess, I'm loving it hell yes

You got me hypnotized
The city's your playground, I watch you take a bite
At 5 a.m. roaming the streets, drunk all night'
You think you're hot shit
Ooh, I love it, I love it, yeah, yeah

Stumbling but yeah, you're still looking hella fine
Keep doing whatcha doin', I'mma make you mine

Well, you're a hot mess, and I'm falling for you
And I'm like, hot damn, let me make you my boo
'Cos you can shake it, shake it, shake it, yeah you know what to do
You're a hot mess, I'm loving it hell yes

You're a hot mess, and I'm falling for you
And I'm like, hot damn, let me make you my boo
'Cos you can shake it, shake it, shake it, yeah you know what to do
You're a hot mess, I'm loving it hell yes

If you're dancing up on tables, you go, you go, you got it girl
Say that you're unstable, you go, coco, you got it girl
Dancing up on tables, say that you're unstable
You're a ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, yeah you're a hot mess
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, we're singing hell yes!

Well, you're a hot mess, and I'm falling for you
And I'm like, hot damn, let me make you my boo
'Cos you can shake it, shake it, shake it, yeah you know what to do
You're a hot mess, I'm loving it hell yes

You're a hot mess, and I'm falling for you
And I'm like, hot damn, let me make you my boo
'Cos you can shake it, shake it, shake it, yeah you know what to do
You're a hot mess, I'm loving it hell yes (Hell yes)
Hot mess, I'm loving it hell yes (Hell yes)
Hot mess, I'm loving it hell yes

Summer Hair = Forever Young

Singer: The Academy Is...
Album: Fast Times at Barrington High

We're crashing cars, we used to share
With summer girls, with summer hair
We're driving around, chasing the stars
But the party's busted up, before it ever starts

I'll never let you go, don't ever forget
You and me forever, forever young
I'll never let you fall, it's not over yet
You and me forever, forever young
We're forever young

Stop making plans, start making sense
Don't you believe any word they said
Sparked up, sparked up like a book of matches
Falling through the night, and rising from the ashes

I'll never let you go, don't ever forget
You and me forever, forever young
I'll never let you fall, it's not over yet
You and me forever, forever young
We're forever young

Don't come any closer, don't tell me it's over
Don't kiss me goodbye, here we are
Am I taking this too hard?
Don't say it's easy, the hardest part is leaving
Don't you wonder why, suddenly we're all running out of time?

I'll never let you go, don't ever forget
You and me forever, forever young
I'll never let you fall, it's not over yet
You and me forever, forever young
We're forever young
We're forever young
We're forever young

New Perspective

Singer: Panic! at the Disco
Written by: Brendon Urie, John Feldmann
Album: Jennifer's Body Soundtrack

I feel the salty waves come in
I feel them crash against my skin
And I smile as I respire
Because I know they'll never win

There's a haze above my TV
That changes everything I see
And maybe if I continue watching
I'll lose the traits that worry me

Can we fast forward to go down on me?

Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
And I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares divine intervention?
I wanna be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here

Can we fast forward to go down on me?

Taking everything for granted but we still respect the time
We move along with some new passion knowing everything is fine (Everything is fine)
I would wait and watch the hours go in a hundred separate lines
But I regain, repose and wonder how I ended up inside

Can we fast forward to go down on me?

Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
And I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares divine intervention?
I wanna be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here
Catch me up on getting out of here

More to the point, I need to show
How much I can come and go
Other plans fell through
And put a heavy load on you, I know
There's no more that need be said
When I'm inching to your bed
Take a look around instead and watch me go

Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
And I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares divine intervention?
I wanna be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here

It's not fair, just let me perfect it
Don't wanna live a life that it comprehensive
'Cos seeing clear would be a bad idea
Now catch me up on getting out of here
So catch me up on getting out of here

Can we fast forward to go down on me?
Can we fast forward to go down?

Alpha Dog

Singer: Fall Out Boy
Written by: Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump
Album: Believers Never Die - Greatest Hits

Clap until your hands hurt
Standing ovations or b-b-b-boos
Wa-wa-watch us until we blur
Walk off into the sunset

Tell rock 'n roll I'm alone again
I wanna put the Midwest home again
Your time has passed, they say never means never
Solar flare stares won't last, but never means forever
Never means forever

Alpha dog and oh-oh-omegalomaniac
Alpha dog and oh-oh-mega-mega-low
Welcome to the new deja vu
I can almost see the wizard through the curtains
Alpha dog and oh-oh-omegalomaniac

We must have the best coach, tell the best jokes
We must make it hard but look so easy, doing something so hard
But you must see my wake, they scream when they look at me
I'm a (I'm a) star, I'm a (I'm a) star
I'm a star
Oh, I'm a star

Alpha dog and oh-oh-omegalomaniac
Alpha dog and oh-oh-mega-mega-low
Welcome to the new deja vu
I can almost see the wizard through the curtains
Alpha dog and oh-oh-omegalomaniac

You're not the first or the last
But you're possibly the prettiest, whoa
He's a fighter past his prime
He's in a gutter waving his hand, "I'm just fine,"

Not the first or the last
But you're possibly the prettiest, whoa
He's a fighter past his prime
He's in a gutter waving his hand

Alpha dog and oh-oh-omegalomaniac
Alpha dog and oh-oh-mega-mega-low
Welcome to the new deja vu
I can almost see the wizard through the curtains
Alpha dog and oh-oh-omegalomaniac