Valrina Rofiatunnisa *u**** adalah..
seorang anak perempuan berumur sekitar 10 tahun yang muncul dalam mimpiku dan mimpinya Arni.. tu anak gelagatnya miriiiip banget sama bapaknya.. ^^' hehe..
sedangkan Saraka Musvarinanka *u**** itu...
seorang anak lelaki yang baru pisan lahir, sama, muncul dalam mimpiku dan mimpinya Arni.. kata neneknya, mirip sama mamanya waktu kecil..
taukah kamu siapa kedua anak ini???
kedua anak ini muncul dalam mimpiku dan mimpinya Arni sebagai ANAK-ANAK SAYA dan suami saya yang namanya-sebaiknya-jangan-disebut..
pokoknya nama Valrina sama Musvarinanka itu anagram dari nama-nama kita..
ancur.. ancur smuanyaah..
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
wishes, wishes..
smoga aku berhasil masuk SMA 3!!!
smoga aku berhasil masuk FMIPA ITB!!
smoga aku, Neta sama Dewi berhasil nemuin Sasa!!
smoga abis nemuin Sasa kita bisa bikin band!!!
smoga sebelum kita bikin band..
smoga aku berhasil masuk FMIPA ITB!!
smoga aku, Neta sama Dewi berhasil nemuin Sasa!!
smoga abis nemuin Sasa kita bisa bikin band!!!
smoga sebelum kita bikin band..
kurang apah..
apa sih, salah aq??
udah ngeluarin duit 30.000 buat ngebeliin maenan yg dia sukain..
udah beli kertas kado jauh2 di Jakarta..
udah BUTEK, TEPAR, MABOK nguras inspirasi biar bisa bikin novel dalam waktu singkat..
masih bisa sok2an kayak bgonoh??
Dewi, tampaknya teorimu tidak benar..
kamu berpikir dia pasti suka sama aku klo aku kasih kado kayak bgonoh..
ternyata ngga, perasaan seseorang ngga semudah itu diubah..
apalagi perasaan cowok yg dalam-pikiran-sayah tidak memiliki perasaan itu..
lebih ngga mungkin lagi..
sgini cintanya sayah teh ke mahluk ituh..
kurang apa saya teh..??
udah ngeluarin duit 30.000 buat ngebeliin maenan yg dia sukain..
udah beli kertas kado jauh2 di Jakarta..
udah BUTEK, TEPAR, MABOK nguras inspirasi biar bisa bikin novel dalam waktu singkat..
masih bisa sok2an kayak bgonoh??
Dewi, tampaknya teorimu tidak benar..
kamu berpikir dia pasti suka sama aku klo aku kasih kado kayak bgonoh..
ternyata ngga, perasaan seseorang ngga semudah itu diubah..
apalagi perasaan cowok yg dalam-pikiran-sayah tidak memiliki perasaan itu..
lebih ngga mungkin lagi..
sgini cintanya sayah teh ke mahluk ituh..
kurang apa saya teh..??
dasar si sayah tukang ngimpi..
kayaknya kalo kawin sama Brian May enak, ya..
punya suami ganteng, beken, baek, jenius, jago maen gitar...
setia pula...
terus kalo kawin sama John Deacon juga kayaknya enak..
suami ganteng, baek, pinter, jago maen bas, setia..
bisa punya turunan banyak, lagi (hehe..)
paling enak kawin sama Freddie Mercury kali, ya..
baik, kaya, pinter, suaranya bagus, setia banget..
meski agak sedikit 'unik'..
yang paling jelas ngga enak mah kawin sama Roger Taylor..
baru sehari kawin kayaknya udah diceraiin biar dia bebas selingkuh..
kalo ngga, dia bisa selingkuh sama beberapa strips/lapdancer/tabledancer/dancer2 laennyah..
tapi itu semua NGGA MUNGKIN, SODARI!!!
punya suami ganteng, beken, baek, jenius, jago maen gitar...
setia pula...
terus kalo kawin sama John Deacon juga kayaknya enak..
suami ganteng, baek, pinter, jago maen bas, setia..
bisa punya turunan banyak, lagi (hehe..)
paling enak kawin sama Freddie Mercury kali, ya..
baik, kaya, pinter, suaranya bagus, setia banget..
meski agak sedikit 'unik'..
yang paling jelas ngga enak mah kawin sama Roger Taylor..
baru sehari kawin kayaknya udah diceraiin biar dia bebas selingkuh..
kalo ngga, dia bisa selingkuh sama beberapa strips/lapdancer/tabledancer/dancer2 laennyah..
tapi itu semua NGGA MUNGKIN, SODARI!!!
jalan-jalan di Ragunan SAKIT.PISAN
dasar gelo
jalanan Ragunan tu kok panjang2 bgt ya??
ngagawekeun wae..
kenapa ngga ada angkot di sono..??
Pusat Primata Schmutzer-nya keren, si..
tapi udah cape2 jalan, gorilanya yg kliatan cuman 1, lagi merenung di tepi danau (halah, hakcuh..)
paling bayi orangutannya yg lutuna naudubileeh..
lucu abiis..
terus banyak binatang lain.. (yaeyalah, namanya juga kebon binatang..)
tapi saya dapet hikmah dari jalan-jalan di Ragunan..
kalo mau bikin kebon binatang yg gede, bikinin juga tempat istirahat yg banyak, kasian pengunjungnya..
jalan2 di Ragunan, TIDAK.SEHAT.UNTUK.KAKI
penyiksaan secara langsung..
kapok dah gua ke Ragunan..
mana binatang yg ngga ada di Bandung cuman gorila doang lagi..
gorilanya yg kliatan cuman satu, lagi!!
cape bangeeeet!!!!!
males kalo ke Ragunan, mending ke Planetarium!!!
pake tutup lagi planetariumnya kemaren!!!
planetarium ngga asyik!!! harusnya buka tiap hari dong, baik hari libur maupun tidak!!!!
jalanan Ragunan tu kok panjang2 bgt ya??
ngagawekeun wae..
kenapa ngga ada angkot di sono..??
Pusat Primata Schmutzer-nya keren, si..
tapi udah cape2 jalan, gorilanya yg kliatan cuman 1, lagi merenung di tepi danau (halah, hakcuh..)
paling bayi orangutannya yg lutuna naudubileeh..
lucu abiis..
terus banyak binatang lain.. (yaeyalah, namanya juga kebon binatang..)
tapi saya dapet hikmah dari jalan-jalan di Ragunan..
kalo mau bikin kebon binatang yg gede, bikinin juga tempat istirahat yg banyak, kasian pengunjungnya..
jalan2 di Ragunan, TIDAK.SEHAT.UNTUK.KAKI
penyiksaan secara langsung..
kapok dah gua ke Ragunan..
mana binatang yg ngga ada di Bandung cuman gorila doang lagi..
gorilanya yg kliatan cuman satu, lagi!!
cape bangeeeet!!!!!
males kalo ke Ragunan, mending ke Planetarium!!!
pake tutup lagi planetariumnya kemaren!!!
planetarium ngga asyik!!! harusnya buka tiap hari dong, baik hari libur maupun tidak!!!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
hari yg membosankan...
i became a prisoner of my own room tadi pagi...
gara2 nyeri hulu tak tertahankan yg biadabh ituh!!!!
i jadi g bs skolah!!!
sampe sekarang, lagi..
cape deeehh....
Ya Allah Ya Robbi, ampuni hamba
Jauhkan gejala sakit kepala..
(gejala pale lo peang!!! org udah kerasa sakitnya!!!)
i became a prisoner of my own room tadi pagi...
gara2 nyeri hulu tak tertahankan yg biadabh ituh!!!!
i jadi g bs skolah!!!
sampe sekarang, lagi..
cape deeehh....
Ya Allah Ya Robbi, ampuni hamba
Jauhkan gejala sakit kepala..
(gejala pale lo peang!!! org udah kerasa sakitnya!!!)
pacar baru, alhamdulillah...
mari kembali ke queen topics..
meski aku tau, dgn ngepost hal seperti ini, nyawaku pasti diujung tanduk...
sudah laamaa!!!
Roger Taylor punya pacar baru!!!
setelah cerai sama Debbie Lang di taun 2000...
dia nemu pacar baru lagi!! (Secepat itukah??)
bahkan sebelum itu Roger udah ketauan selingkuh sama table dancer...
dasar mahluk euweuh kaera!!!!
nama pacar barunya Sarina Potgieter...
cantik bgt...
dan kayaknya matanya rada rabun, soalnya...
tapi kalo aki-akinya Roger Taylor..
itu lain soal...
siapa coba yg ngga mau sama rockstar bertampang slalu ganteng kayak Roger?!
(Dewi, spare my life plis...)
meski aku tau, dgn ngepost hal seperti ini, nyawaku pasti diujung tanduk...
sudah laamaa!!!
Roger Taylor punya pacar baru!!!
setelah cerai sama Debbie Lang di taun 2000...
dia nemu pacar baru lagi!! (Secepat itukah??)
bahkan sebelum itu Roger udah ketauan selingkuh sama table dancer...
dasar mahluk euweuh kaera!!!!
nama pacar barunya Sarina Potgieter...
cantik bgt...
dan kayaknya matanya rada rabun, soalnya...
tapi kalo aki-akinya Roger Taylor..
itu lain soal...
siapa coba yg ngga mau sama rockstar bertampang slalu ganteng kayak Roger?!
(Dewi, spare my life plis...)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
CheDeRasta Familia!!
this is what i think about the members of Che De Rasta!
first off..
Alif Aminur Rahman (Alif).. even he's inarticulate, he's a really great friend, really smart and kind..
Alifa Novrianty (Alifa).. smart girl, really friendly, and when we're still in the 7th grade, we're in love with Japanese cultures.. I don't know if she still likes it or not.. I don't like it anymore! haha..
Andriani (Riri).. a sholehah, veiled girl, yet very mischievous.. loves Korean thingies, especially Rain.. my oldest 'sister' in my 'family'..
Arry Wiriawan (Bajaj).. a really naughty guy, somehow can be very nice at times.. a really great 'Speed' player, never recieved his loss easily, so we can play, like, 5 or 10 times a day.. so much fun, always had a good time every time we played 'Speed'..
Bimo Surya Pratama (Bimo).. a hard-to-reach guy.. I don't know a lot about him, I just know that he had an English-teacher mother, an he's naughty, that's for sure ^w^
Cinintya Putri Deany (Cindy).. a beautiful yet clueless girl, sometimes can be annoying with her attitude.. a cheerleader, no wonder she always seems happy..
Dandy Nur Afrizal (Dandy).. a really.. BAKPAO!!!! Really kind, smart, GREAT ACTOR (serius gw), and really fun to be pinched in the cheek..
Dewita Novianti (Dedew).. a beautiful girl, great singer, dancer and actress.. quite smart, and a great leader.. sometimes I mixed up between her last name and Alifa's..
Diaz Abdul Aziz (Diaz).. amazingly smart but short boy.. a really great choice if you wanna ask something to..
Dimas Dwi Listyo Prabowo (Dimas Dwi).. a naughty boy, but he's a great guitar/bass player..
Dimas Riandra Putra (Dadang).. mischievous boy, smart in English, and he recognized Freddie just from my pin! I think he's another 70s music lover..
Eka Permana Priatna (Eka).. a really cheerful guy, never seemed sad.. he was always smiling when I saw him..
Fachrurrazi (Razi).. a smart, nice guy.. even he's a bit annoying when he talks about other people's negative side.. but still, he's great..
Frida Pratiwi (Frida).. my best friend.. fantastically nice girl, quite smart.. she's my oldest 'stepsister' from my family.. a candy lover, just like my 'brother' and myself!
Galih Andrianto (Galih).. extraordinaryly.. GORDES.. has a really loud voice, but a great actor, REALLY GREAT ACTOR, in fact..
Gemi Setiabudi (Gemi).. can be really annoying at times, but actually he's pretty nice.. looks like a Chinese, but he's pure Parahyangan.. I guess..
Ixora Nisa Listya (Ocha).. beautiful girl.. somewhat cool, but of course, no-one's perfect.. sometimes she can be annoying too!
and then me.. I can't say anything about me, or I'll go narcissistic.. ^w^
Mawarni (Arni).. really great 'mother'! Can be really 'lebay' at times, but she's great in English.. really GORDES, just like Galih..
M. Ridho Alfa Rizky (Ridho).. likes to call me 'Queen' ever since he knew my fanaticness of Queen.. he's kinda naughty, but actually he's smart and kind.. he's even more dilligent nowadays..
M. Irham Ramadhan (Irham).. nice guy, we share the same dream, astronomer.. he like's the lesson of Solar System, just like me..
Nadia Putri Andina (Nadia).. really, really clueless girl, I hate her because of her cluelessness.. geez, what a really annoying girl.. so happy when she's not school.. but can be really helpful at times..
Ngurah Devara Udayana (Deva).. nice Balinese boy, sometimes annoying, but nice.. we're not really close, so I don't know much about him.. I know he loves his hometown so much..
Nisya Andriani (Nisya).. a nice girl! she's one of my first friends in 13.. along with Arni and Riski.. so much fun until they kicked me out.. (halah, hiperbolis..)
Rafdi Dzulfikar Ramdhani (Rafdi).. really strange guy.. strangely enough, every word he said is always funny!! some guys in the class calls him 'Mark' because he looked like Mark Feehily from Westlife..
Rahmawati Sitti Azizah (Mamat)!! a REALLY REALLY GREAT LEADER!!! my favorite choice for class president!! responsible, really responsible, so happy to have her as my friend!!
Randy Riawan S. & Rendy Rizky S. (The Twins).. the LEGENDARY TWINS who HARDLY SHOW THEIR EXPRESSIONS!!! SO STRESSFUL!!! especially when we taught them just to CRY!!! rehe bener lo dua!!!
Rienda Yuana Karaga (Dada).. my second older 'sister'.. in my 'family'.. really beautiful, can be counted on sometimes.. rara-rara 'bokep' (heuheu..) but she's really kind to me and her friends..
Riski Harendrawati (Riski).. at first I thought she's annoying, but she's actually really kind!! one of my first friends in 13 as well!
Rizki Unggul Pangaji (Unggul).. still can't believe i had a crush on him.. we hardly talked since i told him my feelings, but we slowly started talking some more now.. we were best friends in 7th grade.. so much fun talking with him..
Rizkita Darajat (Ita).. smart girl! in class, she's not as loud as she was in GO.. but she's kind..
Sonia Devianti (DoJa).. cute girl, kinda Chinese, but she's pure Javanese.. in the 7th grade, she didn't understand Sundanese..
Syarah Nur Farida (Syarah).. in the 7th grade, she's kind.. but now??'s up to you, i don't wanna talk about her..
Syifa Fuadi Noorman (Cipui).. really kind and smart girl, beautiful also..
Vici Muhammad Fauzi (Vici).. a CheDeRasta n Mamah Yeti lover!! he's the most serious one when we're still working on the 'Pagelaran'.. kinda mischievous and sensitive, but kind!
Winda Yunita Lestari (Winda).. she's.. well, kind.. but i started to doubt her when she talked about my negative side, WHICH IS NOT TRUE!!! fitnah lebih kejam daripada tidak memfitnah, tau!!
Yoda Suryapringga (Yoda).. tall, kinda black guy.. kinda handsome as well! no wonder 'mom' loves him so much.. gotta admit, he IS handsome.. but, i never got a crush on him, that's weird..
Shifa Dwiyanti (Ipeh).. Pa Aep's daughter.. really kind!! ever since i knew her, we've been best friends!!
Arini Mutiara (Arin).. we share the same nickname!! she's a really kind girl, sometimes she's annoying, but she's kind, that's what makes me never hated her..
M. Alvin Nukman (Alvin).. the one and only chipmunk in our class!! smart, really smart, in fact.. sometimes annoying.. but he's kind.. he's a computer-whiz, incredible.. he's a guitarist in his band.. and he never told me his YM username!! kasih tau dong, Vin.. aq g bakal marah, ketawa, nangis atau yg lainnya yg kamu takut aku lakukan!!!
Zashika Ramidhia Afiatunnisa (Ijesh).. really kind, a vocalist in her band.. she's smart, and beautiful!!
that's what I think about CheDeRasta guys.. correct me if i'm wrong, i don't wanna end up accusing something that's not true.. tolong si sayah ditegor kalo ada yg salah, bisi saya malah nuduh.. kan g enak..
first off..
Alif Aminur Rahman (Alif).. even he's inarticulate, he's a really great friend, really smart and kind..
Alifa Novrianty (Alifa).. smart girl, really friendly, and when we're still in the 7th grade, we're in love with Japanese cultures.. I don't know if she still likes it or not.. I don't like it anymore! haha..
Andriani (Riri).. a sholehah, veiled girl, yet very mischievous.. loves Korean thingies, especially Rain.. my oldest 'sister' in my 'family'..
Arry Wiriawan (Bajaj).. a really naughty guy, somehow can be very nice at times.. a really great 'Speed' player, never recieved his loss easily, so we can play, like, 5 or 10 times a day.. so much fun, always had a good time every time we played 'Speed'..
Bimo Surya Pratama (Bimo).. a hard-to-reach guy.. I don't know a lot about him, I just know that he had an English-teacher mother, an he's naughty, that's for sure ^w^
Cinintya Putri Deany (Cindy).. a beautiful yet clueless girl, sometimes can be annoying with her attitude.. a cheerleader, no wonder she always seems happy..
Dandy Nur Afrizal (Dandy).. a really.. BAKPAO!!!! Really kind, smart, GREAT ACTOR (serius gw), and really fun to be pinched in the cheek..
Dewita Novianti (Dedew).. a beautiful girl, great singer, dancer and actress.. quite smart, and a great leader.. sometimes I mixed up between her last name and Alifa's..
Diaz Abdul Aziz (Diaz).. amazingly smart but short boy.. a really great choice if you wanna ask something to..
Dimas Dwi Listyo Prabowo (Dimas Dwi).. a naughty boy, but he's a great guitar/bass player..
Dimas Riandra Putra (Dadang).. mischievous boy, smart in English, and he recognized Freddie just from my pin! I think he's another 70s music lover..
Eka Permana Priatna (Eka).. a really cheerful guy, never seemed sad.. he was always smiling when I saw him..
Fachrurrazi (Razi).. a smart, nice guy.. even he's a bit annoying when he talks about other people's negative side.. but still, he's great..
Frida Pratiwi (Frida).. my best friend.. fantastically nice girl, quite smart.. she's my oldest 'stepsister' from my family.. a candy lover, just like my 'brother' and myself!
Galih Andrianto (Galih).. extraordinaryly.. GORDES.. has a really loud voice, but a great actor, REALLY GREAT ACTOR, in fact..
Gemi Setiabudi (Gemi).. can be really annoying at times, but actually he's pretty nice.. looks like a Chinese, but he's pure Parahyangan.. I guess..
Ixora Nisa Listya (Ocha).. beautiful girl.. somewhat cool, but of course, no-one's perfect.. sometimes she can be annoying too!
and then me.. I can't say anything about me, or I'll go narcissistic.. ^w^
Mawarni (Arni).. really great 'mother'! Can be really 'lebay' at times, but she's great in English.. really GORDES, just like Galih..
M. Ridho Alfa Rizky (Ridho).. likes to call me 'Queen' ever since he knew my fanaticness of Queen.. he's kinda naughty, but actually he's smart and kind.. he's even more dilligent nowadays..
M. Irham Ramadhan (Irham).. nice guy, we share the same dream, astronomer.. he like's the lesson of Solar System, just like me..
Nadia Putri Andina (Nadia).. really, really clueless girl, I hate her because of her cluelessness.. geez, what a really annoying girl.. so happy when she's not school.. but can be really helpful at times..
Ngurah Devara Udayana (Deva).. nice Balinese boy, sometimes annoying, but nice.. we're not really close, so I don't know much about him.. I know he loves his hometown so much..
Nisya Andriani (Nisya).. a nice girl! she's one of my first friends in 13.. along with Arni and Riski.. so much fun until they kicked me out.. (halah, hiperbolis..)
Rafdi Dzulfikar Ramdhani (Rafdi).. really strange guy.. strangely enough, every word he said is always funny!! some guys in the class calls him 'Mark' because he looked like Mark Feehily from Westlife..
Rahmawati Sitti Azizah (Mamat)!! a REALLY REALLY GREAT LEADER!!! my favorite choice for class president!! responsible, really responsible, so happy to have her as my friend!!
Randy Riawan S. & Rendy Rizky S. (The Twins).. the LEGENDARY TWINS who HARDLY SHOW THEIR EXPRESSIONS!!! SO STRESSFUL!!! especially when we taught them just to CRY!!! rehe bener lo dua!!!
Rienda Yuana Karaga (Dada).. my second older 'sister'.. in my 'family'.. really beautiful, can be counted on sometimes.. rara-rara 'bokep' (heuheu..) but she's really kind to me and her friends..
Riski Harendrawati (Riski).. at first I thought she's annoying, but she's actually really kind!! one of my first friends in 13 as well!
Rizki Unggul Pangaji (Unggul).. still can't believe i had a crush on him.. we hardly talked since i told him my feelings, but we slowly started talking some more now.. we were best friends in 7th grade.. so much fun talking with him..
Rizkita Darajat (Ita).. smart girl! in class, she's not as loud as she was in GO.. but she's kind..
Sonia Devianti (DoJa).. cute girl, kinda Chinese, but she's pure Javanese.. in the 7th grade, she didn't understand Sundanese..
Syarah Nur Farida (Syarah).. in the 7th grade, she's kind.. but now??'s up to you, i don't wanna talk about her..
Syifa Fuadi Noorman (Cipui).. really kind and smart girl, beautiful also..
Vici Muhammad Fauzi (Vici).. a CheDeRasta n Mamah Yeti lover!! he's the most serious one when we're still working on the 'Pagelaran'.. kinda mischievous and sensitive, but kind!
Winda Yunita Lestari (Winda).. she's.. well, kind.. but i started to doubt her when she talked about my negative side, WHICH IS NOT TRUE!!! fitnah lebih kejam daripada tidak memfitnah, tau!!
Yoda Suryapringga (Yoda).. tall, kinda black guy.. kinda handsome as well! no wonder 'mom' loves him so much.. gotta admit, he IS handsome.. but, i never got a crush on him, that's weird..
Shifa Dwiyanti (Ipeh).. Pa Aep's daughter.. really kind!! ever since i knew her, we've been best friends!!
Arini Mutiara (Arin).. we share the same nickname!! she's a really kind girl, sometimes she's annoying, but she's kind, that's what makes me never hated her..
M. Alvin Nukman (Alvin).. the one and only chipmunk in our class!! smart, really smart, in fact.. sometimes annoying.. but he's kind.. he's a computer-whiz, incredible.. he's a guitarist in his band.. and he never told me his YM username!! kasih tau dong, Vin.. aq g bakal marah, ketawa, nangis atau yg lainnya yg kamu takut aku lakukan!!!
Zashika Ramidhia Afiatunnisa (Ijesh).. really kind, a vocalist in her band.. she's smart, and beautiful!!
that's what I think about CheDeRasta guys.. correct me if i'm wrong, i don't wanna end up accusing something that's not true.. tolong si sayah ditegor kalo ada yg salah, bisi saya malah nuduh.. kan g enak..
My Melancholy Blues
Singer: Queen
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: News of the World
Another party's over
And I'm left cold sober
Baby left me, for somebody new..
I don't wanna talk about it..
Want to forget about it..
Wanna be intoxicated with..
That special brew..
So come and get me..
Let me..
Get in that sinking feeling
That says my heart is on an all time low..
Don't expect me..
To behave perfectly..
And wear that sunny smile
My guess is I'm in for a cloudy and overcast
Don't try and stop me
'Cos I'm heading for that stormy weather soon..
I'm causing a mild sensation
With this new occupation
I'm permanently glued
To this extraordinary mood
So now move over
Let me take over
With my
Melancholy blues..
I'm causing a mild sensation
With this new occupation
I'm in the news
I'm just getting used with my new exposure
Come into my enclosure
And meet my
Melancholy blues...
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: News of the World
Another party's over
And I'm left cold sober
Baby left me, for somebody new..
I don't wanna talk about it..
Want to forget about it..
Wanna be intoxicated with..
That special brew..
So come and get me..
Let me..
Get in that sinking feeling
That says my heart is on an all time low..
Don't expect me..
To behave perfectly..
And wear that sunny smile
My guess is I'm in for a cloudy and overcast
Don't try and stop me
'Cos I'm heading for that stormy weather soon..
I'm causing a mild sensation
With this new occupation
I'm permanently glued
To this extraordinary mood
So now move over
Let me take over
With my
Melancholy blues..
I'm causing a mild sensation
With this new occupation
I'm in the news
I'm just getting used with my new exposure
Come into my enclosure
And meet my
Melancholy blues...
Radio Ga Ga
Singer: Queen
Written by: Roger Taylor
Album: The Works
I sit alone and watch your light
My only friend through teenage nights
And everything I had to know
I heard it on my radio
You gave them all those old time stars
Through wars of worlds invaded by Mars
You made 'em laugh, you made 'em cry
You made us feel like we could fly
So don't become, some background noise
A backdrop for, the girls and boys
Who just don't know, and just don't care
And just complain, when you're not there
You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
All we hear is
Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is
Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what's new??
Radio, someone still loves you..
We watch the shows, we watch the stars
On videos, for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
Our music changes through the years
Lets hope you never leave old friend
Like all good things on you we depend
So stick around, 'cos we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual
You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have, your finest hour
All we hear is
Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is
Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is
Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what's new??
Someone still loves you..
You've had your time, you've had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
Written by: Roger Taylor
Album: The Works
I sit alone and watch your light
My only friend through teenage nights
And everything I had to know
I heard it on my radio
You gave them all those old time stars
Through wars of worlds invaded by Mars
You made 'em laugh, you made 'em cry
You made us feel like we could fly
So don't become, some background noise
A backdrop for, the girls and boys
Who just don't know, and just don't care
And just complain, when you're not there
You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
All we hear is
Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is
Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what's new??
Radio, someone still loves you..
We watch the shows, we watch the stars
On videos, for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
Our music changes through the years
Lets hope you never leave old friend
Like all good things on you we depend
So stick around, 'cos we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual
You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have, your finest hour
All we hear is
Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is
Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is
Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what's new??
Someone still loves you..
You've had your time, you've had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
Is This the World We Created..?
Singer: Queen
Written by: Freddie Mercury & Brian May
Album: The Works
Just look at all those hungry mouths we have to feed
Take a look at all the suffering we breed
So many lonely faces scattered all around
Searching for what they need
Is this the world we created, what did we do it for??
Is this the world we invaded, against the law??
So it seems in the end, is this what we're all living for today??
The world that we created..
You know that everyday a helpless child is born
Who need some loving care inside a happy home
Somewhere a wealthy man is sitting on his throne
Waiting for life to go by..
Oh.. is this the world we created, we made it on our own??
Is this the world we devastated, right to the bone??
If there's a God in the sky, looking down
What can he think of what we've done
To the world that he created..??
Written by: Freddie Mercury & Brian May
Album: The Works
Just look at all those hungry mouths we have to feed
Take a look at all the suffering we breed
So many lonely faces scattered all around
Searching for what they need
Is this the world we created, what did we do it for??
Is this the world we invaded, against the law??
So it seems in the end, is this what we're all living for today??
The world that we created..
You know that everyday a helpless child is born
Who need some loving care inside a happy home
Somewhere a wealthy man is sitting on his throne
Waiting for life to go by..
Oh.. is this the world we created, we made it on our own??
Is this the world we devastated, right to the bone??
If there's a God in the sky, looking down
What can he think of what we've done
To the world that he created..??
Singer: Queen (Brian May)
Written by: Brian May
Album: A Night at the Opera
In the year of '39 assembled here the volunteers
In the days when lands were few
Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn
The sweetest sight ever seen
And the night followed day
And the story-tellers say
That the score brave souls inside
For many a lonely day sailed across the milky seas
Never look back, never feared, never cried
Don't you hear my call, though you're many years away??
Don't you hear me calling you??
Write your letters in the sand for the day I take your hand
In the land that our grandchildren knew
In the year of '39 came a ship in from the blues
The volunteers came home that day
And they bring good news of a world so newly born
Though their hearts so heavenly weigh
For the earth is old and grey, little darling went away
But my love this cannot be
For so many years have gone though I'm older but a year
Your mother's eyes, in your eyes, cried to me
Don't you hear my call, though you're many years away??
Don't you hear me calling you??
Write your letters in the sand for the day I take your hand
In the land that our grandchildren knew
Don't you hear my call, though you're many years away??
Don't you hear me calling you??
All your letters in the sand cannot heal me like your hand
For my life, still ahead, pity me
Written by: Brian May
Album: A Night at the Opera
In the year of '39 assembled here the volunteers
In the days when lands were few
Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn
The sweetest sight ever seen
And the night followed day
And the story-tellers say
That the score brave souls inside
For many a lonely day sailed across the milky seas
Never look back, never feared, never cried
Don't you hear my call, though you're many years away??
Don't you hear me calling you??
Write your letters in the sand for the day I take your hand
In the land that our grandchildren knew
In the year of '39 came a ship in from the blues
The volunteers came home that day
And they bring good news of a world so newly born
Though their hearts so heavenly weigh
For the earth is old and grey, little darling went away
But my love this cannot be
For so many years have gone though I'm older but a year
Your mother's eyes, in your eyes, cried to me
Don't you hear my call, though you're many years away??
Don't you hear me calling you??
Write your letters in the sand for the day I take your hand
In the land that our grandchildren knew
Don't you hear my call, though you're many years away??
Don't you hear me calling you??
All your letters in the sand cannot heal me like your hand
For my life, still ahead, pity me
Las Palabras de Amor (The Words of Love)
Singer: Queen
Written by: Brian May
Album: Hot Space
Don't touch me now
Don't hold me now
Don't break the spell, darling
Now you are near
Look in my eyes
And speak to me
Those special promises
I long to hear
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Love me slow..
And gently
One foolish world
So many souls
Senselessly hurled through the never-ending cold
And all for fear
And all for greed
Speak any tounge but for God's sakes we need
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Let me know..
This night and evermore..
This room is bare
This night is cold
We're far apart and I'm
Growing old
But while we live
We'll meet again
So then my love we may whisper once more
It's you I adore
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Touch me now
Las palabras de amor
Let us share the words of love
For evermore..
For evermore...
Written by: Brian May
Album: Hot Space
Don't touch me now
Don't hold me now
Don't break the spell, darling
Now you are near
Look in my eyes
And speak to me
Those special promises
I long to hear
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Love me slow..
And gently
One foolish world
So many souls
Senselessly hurled through the never-ending cold
And all for fear
And all for greed
Speak any tounge but for God's sakes we need
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Let me know..
This night and evermore..
This room is bare
This night is cold
We're far apart and I'm
Growing old
But while we live
We'll meet again
So then my love we may whisper once more
It's you I adore
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Touch me now
Las palabras de amor
Let us share the words of love
For evermore..
For evermore...
Saturday, March 1, 2008
In the Lap of the Gods...Revisited
Singer: Queen
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: Sheer Heart Attack
It's so easy, but I can't do it
So risky, but I gotta chance it
So funny, there'e nothing to laugh about
My money, that's all you wanna talk about
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm no fool
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm no fool
No beginning, there's no ending
There'se no meaning, in my pretending
Believe me, life goes on and on and on
Forgive me, when I ask you where do I belong
You say I (you can do it)
Can't (you can do it)
Set you free (you can go and set me free) from me
But that's not true
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm no fool
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
Wo, wo, wo, la, la..
Wo, wo, ooh..
But that's not true
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
Wo, wo, wo, la, la..
Wo, wo, ooh..
But I'm no fool
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
Wo, wo, wo, la, la..
Wo, wo, ooh..
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
Wo, wo, wo, la, la..
Wo, wo, ooh..
But I'm no fool
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
Wo, wo, wo, la, la..
Wo, wo, ooh...
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: Sheer Heart Attack
It's so easy, but I can't do it
So risky, but I gotta chance it
So funny, there'e nothing to laugh about
My money, that's all you wanna talk about
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm no fool
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm no fool
No beginning, there's no ending
There'se no meaning, in my pretending
Believe me, life goes on and on and on
Forgive me, when I ask you where do I belong
You say I (you can do it)
Can't (you can do it)
Set you free (you can go and set me free) from me
But that's not true
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm no fool
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
Wo, wo, wo, la, la..
Wo, wo, ooh..
But that's not true
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
Wo, wo, wo, la, la..
Wo, wo, ooh..
But I'm no fool
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
Wo, wo, wo, la, la..
Wo, wo, ooh..
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
Wo, wo, wo, la, la..
Wo, wo, ooh..
But I'm no fool
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo, wo, la, la, la..
Wo, wo, wo, la, la..
Wo, wo, ooh...
Seven Seas of Rhye
Singer: Queen
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: Queen/Queen II (yg d Queen cuma instrumental)
Fear me you lords and lady preachers
I descend upon your Earth from the skies
I command your very souls you unbelievers
Bring before me what is mine
The seven seas of rhye
Can you hear me you peers and privy councillors?
I stand before you naked to the eye
I will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust
I swear that you'll be mine
The seven seas of rhye
Sister, I live and lie for you
Mister, do and I'll die
You are mine, I possess you
Make love to you forever, ever, ever
Storm the master marathon I'll fly through
By flash and thunder fire and I'll survive, I'll survive, I'll survive
Then I'll defy the laws of nature and come out alive
Then I'll get you!
Be gone with you, you shod and shady senators
Give out the good, leave out the bad evil cries
I challenge the mighty Titan and his troubadours
And with a smile
I'll take you to the seven seas of rhye
Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside, yeah
Oh, I do like to be beside the sea
Where the brass band plays
Tiddly om pom pom
Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside, yeah
Oh, I do like to be beside the sea
Sailing out beside the sea
Out beside the sunken dream
Beside the seaside
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: Queen/Queen II (yg d Queen cuma instrumental)
Fear me you lords and lady preachers
I descend upon your Earth from the skies
I command your very souls you unbelievers
Bring before me what is mine
The seven seas of rhye
Can you hear me you peers and privy councillors?
I stand before you naked to the eye
I will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust
I swear that you'll be mine
The seven seas of rhye
Sister, I live and lie for you
Mister, do and I'll die
You are mine, I possess you
Make love to you forever, ever, ever
Storm the master marathon I'll fly through
By flash and thunder fire and I'll survive, I'll survive, I'll survive
Then I'll defy the laws of nature and come out alive
Then I'll get you!
Be gone with you, you shod and shady senators
Give out the good, leave out the bad evil cries
I challenge the mighty Titan and his troubadours
And with a smile
I'll take you to the seven seas of rhye
Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside, yeah
Oh, I do like to be beside the sea
Where the brass band plays
Tiddly om pom pom
Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside, yeah
Oh, I do like to be beside the sea
Sailing out beside the sea
Out beside the sunken dream
Beside the seaside
The March of the Black Queen
Singer: Queen (Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor)
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: Queen II
Do you mean it?
Do you mean it?
Do you mean it?
Why don't you mean it?
Why do I follow you and where do you go?
You've never seen nothing like it no never in your life
Like going up to heaven and then coming back alive
Let me tell you all about it
And the world will so allow it
Give a little time to choose
Water babies singing in a lily-pool delight
Blue powder monkeys praying in the dead of night
Here comes the black queen, poking in the pile
Fie-fo the black queen marching single file
Take this, take that, bring them down to size (march to the black queen)
Put them in the cellar with the naughty boys
A little nigger sugar and then a rub-a-dub-a baby oil
Black on
Black on
Every finger nail and toe, we've only begun, begun
Make this, make that, keep making all that noise (march to the black queen)
Now I've got a belly full
You can be my sugar-baby, you can be my honey chile, yes
A voice from behind me reminds me
Spread out your wings you are an angel
Remember to deliver with the speed of light
A little bit of love and joy
Everything you do bears a will and a why and a wherefore
A little bit of love and joy
In each and every soul lies a man
Very soon he'll deceive and discover
But even till the end of his life, he'll bring a little love
I reign with my left hand
I rule with my right
I'm lord of all darkness, I'm queen of the night
I've got the power - now do the march of the black queen
Taylor - My life is in your hands, I'll fo and I'll fie
Mercury - I'll be what you make me, I'll do what you like
I'll be a bad boy, I'll be your bad boy
I'll do the march of the black queen
Walking true to style
She's vulgar 'buse and vile
Fie-fo the black queen tattoos all her pies
She boils and she bakes
And she never dots her I's
Look what we've done
Forget your singalongs and your lullabies
Surrender to the city of the fireflies
Dance with the devil beat with the band
To hell with all of you hand in hand
Now it's time to be gone
Forever, forever
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: Queen II
Do you mean it?
Do you mean it?
Do you mean it?
Why don't you mean it?
Why do I follow you and where do you go?
You've never seen nothing like it no never in your life
Like going up to heaven and then coming back alive
Let me tell you all about it
And the world will so allow it
Give a little time to choose
Water babies singing in a lily-pool delight
Blue powder monkeys praying in the dead of night
Here comes the black queen, poking in the pile
Fie-fo the black queen marching single file
Take this, take that, bring them down to size (march to the black queen)
Put them in the cellar with the naughty boys
A little nigger sugar and then a rub-a-dub-a baby oil
Black on
Black on
Every finger nail and toe, we've only begun, begun
Make this, make that, keep making all that noise (march to the black queen)
Now I've got a belly full
You can be my sugar-baby, you can be my honey chile, yes
A voice from behind me reminds me
Spread out your wings you are an angel
Remember to deliver with the speed of light
A little bit of love and joy
Everything you do bears a will and a why and a wherefore
A little bit of love and joy
In each and every soul lies a man
Very soon he'll deceive and discover
But even till the end of his life, he'll bring a little love
I reign with my left hand
I rule with my right
I'm lord of all darkness, I'm queen of the night
I've got the power - now do the march of the black queen
Taylor - My life is in your hands, I'll fo and I'll fie
Mercury - I'll be what you make me, I'll do what you like
I'll be a bad boy, I'll be your bad boy
I'll do the march of the black queen
Walking true to style
She's vulgar 'buse and vile
Fie-fo the black queen tattoos all her pies
She boils and she bakes
And she never dots her I's
Look what we've done
Forget your singalongs and your lullabies
Surrender to the city of the fireflies
Dance with the devil beat with the band
To hell with all of you hand in hand
Now it's time to be gone
Forever, forever
The Fairy Feller's Masterstroke
Singer: Queen
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: Queen II
He's a fairy feller
The fairy folk have gathered round
The new moon shine
To see the feller crack a nut
At night's noon-time
To swing his axe he swears
As it climbs he dares
To deliver
The masterstroke
Ploughman, 'Waggoner Will' and types
Politician with senatorial pipe
He's a dilly-dally-o
Pedagogue squinting wears a frown
And a satyr peers under a lady's gown
Dirty fellow
What a dirty laddio
Tatterdemalion and then a junketer
There's a thief and a dragonfly trumpeter
He's my hero
Fairy dandy tickling the fancy
Of his lady friend
The nymph in yellow
'Can we see the master stroke'
What a quaere fellow
Soldier, sailor, tinker, tailor, ploughboy
Waiting to hear the sound
And the arch-magician presides
He is the leader
Oberon and Titania watched by a harridan
Mab is the queen
And there's a good apothecary man
Come to say hello
Fairy dandy tickling the fancy
Of his lady friend
The nymph in yellow
What a quaere fellow
The ostler stares with hands on his knees
Come on Mr. Feller
Crack it open if you please
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: Queen II
He's a fairy feller
The fairy folk have gathered round
The new moon shine
To see the feller crack a nut
At night's noon-time
To swing his axe he swears
As it climbs he dares
To deliver
The masterstroke
Ploughman, 'Waggoner Will' and types
Politician with senatorial pipe
He's a dilly-dally-o
Pedagogue squinting wears a frown
And a satyr peers under a lady's gown
Dirty fellow
What a dirty laddio
Tatterdemalion and then a junketer
There's a thief and a dragonfly trumpeter
He's my hero
Fairy dandy tickling the fancy
Of his lady friend
The nymph in yellow
'Can we see the master stroke'
What a quaere fellow
Soldier, sailor, tinker, tailor, ploughboy
Waiting to hear the sound
And the arch-magician presides
He is the leader
Oberon and Titania watched by a harridan
Mab is the queen
And there's a good apothecary man
Come to say hello
Fairy dandy tickling the fancy
Of his lady friend
The nymph in yellow
What a quaere fellow
The ostler stares with hands on his knees
Come on Mr. Feller
Crack it open if you please
Ogre Battle
Singer: Queen
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: Queen II
Now once upon a time
An old man told me a fable
When the piper is gone
And the soup is cold on your table
And if the black crow flies
To find a new destination
That is the sign
Come tonight
Come to the ogre sight
Come to ogre battle fight
He gives a great big cry
And he can swallow up the ocean
With a mighty tongue he catches flies
In the palm of a hand incredible size
One great big eye
Has a focus in your direction
Now the battle is won
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Come tonight
Come to the ogre sight
Come to ogre battle fight
The ogre men are still inside
The two-way mirror mountain
You gotta keep down right out of sight
You can't see in but they can see out
'Oooh, keep a look out'
The ogre men are coming out
From the two-way mirror mountain
They're running up behind
And they're coming all about
Can't go east 'cos you gotta go south
Ogre men are going home
The great big fight is over
Bugle blow let trumpet cry
Ogre battle lives for evermore
You can come along
You can come along
Come to ogre battle
Written by: Freddie Mercury
Album: Queen II
Now once upon a time
An old man told me a fable
When the piper is gone
And the soup is cold on your table
And if the black crow flies
To find a new destination
That is the sign
Come tonight
Come to the ogre sight
Come to ogre battle fight
He gives a great big cry
And he can swallow up the ocean
With a mighty tongue he catches flies
In the palm of a hand incredible size
One great big eye
Has a focus in your direction
Now the battle is won
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Come tonight
Come to the ogre sight
Come to ogre battle fight
The ogre men are still inside
The two-way mirror mountain
You gotta keep down right out of sight
You can't see in but they can see out
'Oooh, keep a look out'
The ogre men are coming out
From the two-way mirror mountain
They're running up behind
And they're coming all about
Can't go east 'cos you gotta go south
Ogre men are going home
The great big fight is over
Bugle blow let trumpet cry
Ogre battle lives for evermore
You can come along
You can come along
Come to ogre battle
dassar anneh.. lebbaii ddeh..
ai ini knapa y ai..?
akhir2 ini klo liat si "mahluk-pohon-biadabh" bersama cewe' lain..
tampaknya aku cemburu.. (halah, bahasanya, neng!!! kamana atuh??!!)
apalagi sama sohib2ku, terutama arin..
or dada..
mereka seakan2 lebih tau dia drpd aku..
kan ekeu jadi sirik.. endang bambang.. (^w^)
dasar garila!!!!
akhir2 ini klo liat si "mahluk-pohon-biadabh" bersama cewe' lain..
tampaknya aku cemburu.. (halah, bahasanya, neng!!! kamana atuh??!!)
apalagi sama sohib2ku, terutama arin..
or dada..
mereka seakan2 lebih tau dia drpd aku..
kan ekeu jadi sirik.. endang bambang.. (^w^)
dasar garila!!!!
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