Monday, September 29, 2008

well, well, f**king well..

gw pikir nagging gw bkl brs..

but guess what?!

I STILL have something to nag about.

ngga, bkn che de rasta, sy save dr jangkauan mrk utk smntara wkt.

it's my own f**king family.

tiap ad kmpl kluarga, hrsny smua ngajak ngbrl smua kn?

but no, not in my case.

wkt mrk popotoan, guess what I did?


yg slh gw jg sih, gw g pinter ngmng, so no-one's interested in me.

I'll always be a KID in their eyes, jd apapun yg gw omongin, msk kanan, kluar kiri. g dserap, dianggap tdk pnting.

that's what I'll always be. a f**king KID.

I'm 15 years old if you don't know.

I HATE crowds. apalagi yg g mrhatiin gw.

you now know that I'm a f**king attention whore.

mrk ktawa tnp gw. n tmpkny mrk g ngliat ad yg ilang. gw.

g jrg gw nangis gr2 ini. gw sering plg dr rmh wa amy yg d sblh rmh gw, k kmr, hny utk nangis.

mrk jg kykny g ad yg nyadar gw plg.

see how f**king invisible I truly am?!

gw kykny hrs nulis novel dgn crita kyk gini.. kykny bs jd best seller y. haha. you wish.

emg sih, yg gw omongin g prnah jauh dr musik.

but that is exactly my problem. musik yg gw sk, d kluarga gw g ad yg sk.

klo ad jg, g ad yg sfanatik gw.

yep, I'm the f**king FREAK in this f**king family.

my autism is back, after I thought I'm over it.

oh well, might as well have something to brag about again.

"hey, guess what?! I'm f**king invisible, my family and ex-classmates ignores me, and I have f**king autism! how nice is that?!"

now, that's something you don't hear everyday.

maapkan c syh atas smua pnggunaan kt2 yg inappropriate, I just can't help it.

dgn ini, sy anugerahkan title The Most Pessimistic Person in the Whole Wide World kpd dr sy sndiri. applause, applause. *notice the sarcasm there? if you do, good job.

punten, lg rada stress. ini sdh sy alami brtahun2, tp bru bs dtumpahin skrg.

tunggu tgl main slanjutnyah..

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