Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm Like a Lawyer with the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You)

Singer: Fall Out Boy
Written by: Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump
Album: Infinity on High

Last year's wishes are these year's apology
Every last time I come home
I take my last chance to burn a bridge or two
I only keep myself this sick in the head
'Cos I know how the words to get you

We're the new face of failure
Prettier and younger but not any better off
Bullet-proof loneliness
At best, at best

Me and you, setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you, setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you

Collect the bad habits that you couldn't bear to keep
Out of the woods but I love
A tree I used to lay beneath, kissed teeth stained red
From a sour bottle baby girl
With the eyes the size of baby worlds

We're the new face of failure
Prettier and younger but not any better off
Bullet-proof loneliness
At best, at best

Me and you, setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you, setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you, setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you, setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you

The best way to make it through
With hearts and wrists intact
Is to realize two out of three ain't bad
Ain't bad

Me and you, setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
Me and you, setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you, setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What a Catch, Donnie

Singer: Fall Out Boy ft. Elvis Costello, Gabe Saporta, Travis McCoy, Brendon Urie, Doug Neumann, Alex DeLeon, William Beckett
Written by: Pete Wentz & Patrick Stump
Album: Folie à Deux

I've got troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match
What a catch, what a catch

You'll never catch us, so just let me be
Said I'll be fine, 'til the hospital or American Embassy

Miss Flack said I still want you back
Yeah, Miss Flack said I still want you back

I've got troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match
What a catch, what a catch
And all I can think of is the way I'm the one who charmed the one
Who gave up on you, who gave up on you

They say the captain goes down with the ship
So when the world ends, will God go down with it?

Miss Flack said I still want you back
Yeah, Miss Flack said I still want you back

I've got troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match
What a catch, what a catch
And all I can think of is the way I'm the one who charmed the one
Who gave up on you, who gave up on you

What a catch, what a catch
What a catch, what a catch

Costello: I will never end up like him
Behind my back, I already am
Keep a calendar, this way you will always know

Stump: I said I've got troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match
What a catch, what a catch
And all I can think of is the way I'm the one who charmed the one
Who gave up on you, who gave up on you

Saporta: Where is your boy tonight?
I hope he is a gentleman

McCoy: We're going down, down in an earlier round
(Maybe he won't find out what I know)
And sugar, we're going down, swinging
(You were the last good thing)

Urie: (I'll be your number one with a bullet)
Dance, dance, we're falling apart to halftime
(A loaded gun complex, cock it and pull it)
Dance, dance, and these are the lives you love to lead

Neumann: This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race
(Dance, this is the way they love)
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race
(If they knew, how misery loves me)

DeLeon: One night, yeah and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great

Beckett: Growing up
(He tastes like you, only sweeter)
Growing up

I've got troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match
What a catch, what a catch

Friday, September 4, 2009

seismophobia? n lack of knowledge.

syh msh shock.

bru lewat gapura udh diajak ajeb2 sm gempa.

nympe rmh, msh sndiri, papamamateteh blm plg.

trus mati lampu.

syh mmbuat nama phobia bru.

seismophobia, tkut gempa bumi. hahahahaii.

untung bbrapa mnit kmudian mamapapa plg. alhamdulillah.

judul kdua. EMO MODE: ON!

ktny ina kmaren nangis.


ktny dy ad mslh.

n gw bru tau ina nangis td pisan, dr dina.


i'm sorry for not knowing my best friends well enough that they wouldn't talk about everything to me.

i hate it when i don't know anything about my friends.

mreka pny sesuatu yg hny mreka yg tau. gw mrasa invis.

n gw g bs crita sm syp2.

udh ah.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah.

Monday, August 17, 2009

170809. sangat menyenangkan!

padahal gw g pergi kmana2. hahaaa

knapa menyenangkan?!

karena ini dan ini!

gw ngdadak jatuh cinta sama Joel.

sama Pete juga deh, yg udah nge-ReTweet tweetnya Joel.

Joel baek bgt sm orang Indo yak? wkwkwkkk.


saya tampaknya invis. haha.

saya asa jarang disebut.

sm syp?

syp y?

yah, y'know who you are.

udah ah.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

lagi jail

Two Names You Go By
1. Arin
2. Marina

Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Sundanese
2. Javanese

Two things that scare you
1. Cockroaches
2. Spiders

Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. Music, guitar
2. Internet surfing

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Pajamas
2. Jacket

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
1. Avenged Sevenfold
2. My Chemical Romance

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Playing guitar
2. Listening to music

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. Freedom from homework for at least a week!
2. Gibson Firebird XD

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. London, England
2. Huntington Beach, California

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Preparing to be a heaven resident :)
2. Be the best person for my loved ones.

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. Tugas PKn :(
2. Kakak saya nggak pulang2 :(

Two Stores You Shop At
1. Disc Tarra
2. Gramedia

Two people you haven’t talked to in a while
1. Sohib SMP
2. Anak 5

Two favorite web sites
1. Twitter
2. Popmundo!

Two People who will fill this in
1. terserah
2. ma maneh.

Two things you did last night
1. Pergi ke Parahyangan
2. Pergi ke undangan

Two shows you like to watch
1. Queer as Folk
2. Music documentary...

Two places you like to go to (not would like)
1. Sekolah. how pathetic is that?
2. Parahyangan

Two Favorite Subjects In School
1. English
2. Japanese

Two Favorite Places to eat
1. Sushi Tei
2. Fast food joint

Two People that live in your house
1. Mom
2. Dad

Two things you like about yourself (physical)
1. Eyes
2. Arms

Two things you ate today
1. Nasi kuning
2. Kerupuk

Two people you last talked to
1. Mom
2. Dad

Two things your doing tomorrow
1. Civics Presentation
2. NOT kill myself

jadi anak kelas XI

has its perks and its flaws...

- dapet ade kelas! yeyeyey...
- dipanggil teteh! subhanallah... anak bejad gini dipanggil teteh...
- dapet temen baru! gelo kabeh deui...

- gurunya ga ada yg baleg. suer. nanti akan sy bahas lbh lanjut.
- tugas numpuk ga abis2.
- ada anak di kelas yg pyromaniac. mana kelas gw sementara d lab kimia dlu lagi. mnakutkan.

sekarang, akan saya bahas lebih lanjut soal guru...

guru2 yg baleg selama saya d XI IPA 1, adl...
- Guru PLH, Pak Iwan.
- Guru Bhs. Jepang, Bu Sylvi
- Guru Bhs. Sunda, Bu Tefi
- Guru Kimia, Bu Hana
- Guru Sejarah, Bu Susi
- aaaand, i think that's it.

yap, gw blom masukin guru Bhs. Inggris karena si ibu masih blom ngajar abis cuti melahirkan.

sisanya? sulit.


mana tiap hari pasti ada tugas... cape...

dan soal anak pyromaniac... dia adalah KM kelas gw. goblok dasar tu anak.

pernah ada yg meledak dibakar sm dia. sinting.

dia maniak, bukan cuman pyromaniac, tapi dia mah maniak sejati. troublemaker edan.

pernah qt dsuruh bawa balon sama Bu Hana (liat postingan 'saya ke borma!')

balon itu kita tiup, terus kita iket jadi 2, 3, 4, dst...

disuruh disimpen di kelas sama si Bu Hana...

besok paginya, si Aldi (KM kelas sayah) dan Idham (troublemaker baru, padahal pindahan, dasar belagu) udah mulai nusuk2in balon pake kayu dari meja yang mreka rusakin sehari sebelumnya.

tiba2 Pak Acep (wakasek kesiswaan) muncul ke kelas pas si Aldi lagi ngabitukeun balon.

dan dia disuruh push-up 4 seri gara2 ketauan bikin ribut.

ntar klo si Bu Hana nanyain balon2nya pada kemana, kita akan nyalahin Aldi. wkwkwk. paduli teuing ah.

dia juga pernah nyemprotin Bay Fresh ke api, bikin kelas bau melati sama bau api. tulil!

walhasil gw bengek. wkwkwk.

pas mreka disuruh berenti biar gw g bengek lagi sm tmn2 gw, si Aldi g mau ngaku, malah nuduh orang laen.

emang, yg terakhir nyemprot2 kyk gitu emang si Irfan (tertuduh), tapi yg mulai tetep aja si Aldi!

tipikal cowok g gentleman, g mau ngakuin kesalahan. cuih!

udah ah.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

Friday, August 7, 2009




Marina Savira - Haner - Way - Lefebvre - Smith - Martin - Stumph - Armstrong - Shaddix - Beckett - Novarro


yang bisa nebak itu nama siapa aja, saya kasih standing applause.

postingan tidak penting. lanjut.

kalo anda ngga melihat nama Walker di situ, jgn ngucek2 mata, ntar rusak matanya.

saya memutuskan u/ melepasnya. hiks. pergi kau kuman!

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

p.s.: yg percaya sama postingan ini, tolong jangan, klo gamau saya bilang dodol. hahaii. xD

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

saya ke borma! [laluuu?]

tebak saya baru melakukan apa?



saya baru pergi ke Borma.

SENDIRIAN! subhanallah.

[haha, bangga gw pertama kali keluar rumah sendirian lewat jam 6 sore. padahal cuman tinggal naek angkot skali, bayar serebu, nyampe.]

gw saat itu sedang ekspedisi mencari balon tiup.

yang mana adalah sebuah tugas dari Bu Hana, guru kimia gw.

pertama gw ngliat status facebook tmen skelas gw.

"XI IPA 1... jgn lupa bawa balon/kelompok, jgn dlu ditiup!"

yah, kurang lebih gitu lah.

dan gw bertanya2.

"ngapain bawa2 balon segala? mo ada yg ultah y?"

n gw bertanya sm tmen gw, si Yulia, yg masang status facebook itu.

"buat apaan yuul? kpan?"

dan si Eris, tmen skelas gw yg lainnya ngeSMS gw.

"mar kirimin lagi dftar pel dong. khvus."

atau artinya, "mar, kirimin lagi daftar pelajaran dong. kehapus."

bisi ada yg g ngerti. hahaii. eniweiii.

gw kirim lah daftar pelajaran.

dan si Eris bertanya sama gw.

"besok yg bawa balon siapa?"

nah loh. gw bingung. apa cuman gw doang yg g tau kita kudu bawa balon.

gw nanya, "balon bwt apaan si?"

" kimia "

"oh. kyknya gw g iqtan ngdengerin. klompokny siapa aj?"

"yg makalah."

"brapa biji?"


"ya udah, sedapetnya aj y."


dan gw ganti baju, siap ke Borma.

si papa sama mama berantem wawadulan.

"temenin atuh anak teh..."
"males ganti baju..."
"alah, ngan saemet hungkul..."
"lagi nyuci..."
"sini, papa aja yg lanjutin."
"ngga ah, udah sama mama aja!"

dan gw pun bilang, "udahlah, arin udah gede... bisa kali ke borma doang mah."

terus si papa juga bilang, "nitip sari dele ya rin! 3 biji aja!"

sari dele adalah sari kedelai, atau susu kedelai lah. lagi sakau sari dele si papah.

dan gw keluar rumah. saat itu gw ngeliat bulan, baguus bgt. oranye. purnama. dan saat itulah gw nyadar, gw NGGAK PAKE KACAMATA. bodoh.

gw balik lagi.

"arin harus pake kacamata ngga?"

"ngga usah lah. asal bisa ngeliat aja."

"jangan nabrak2 ya!"

oke. gw akhirnya pergi ngga pake kacamata.

ada adik kakak [kyknya?] di angkot. si adik bilang dia butuh map, dan dia bilang dia "harus" ke Borma.

dan dia berenti sama kakaknya sekitar... 500 meter sebelom Borma. wat? jadi bingung. sudahlah.

gw nyampe di Borma, dan nyari2 balon.

perlu diketahui, Borma Margacinta itu tempatnya LUAS BANGET.

gw keliling dulu, nyari ke belakang. nyerah, gw nanya sama mas2nya.

"mas, ada balon?"

"oh, ada di peralatan ulang tahun,"

"di mana?" maap mas, saya mah udah bolor, budek pula.

"di peralatan ulang tahun."

"oh. makasih, mas."

dan gw berjalan ke arah yg ditunjukin si mas. gw jalan jauuuuuuh banget, sampe ke paling belakang, dan gw sama sekali ngga ngeliat tulisan di langit2, "Peralatan Ulang Tahun".

dan gw nyerah lagi. gw nanya sama mas2 lainnya.

"mas, balon di mana ya?"

"oh, sini, saya anterin." subhanallah, si mas baek.

dan gw dianterin. dan gw menemukan balon! yes! mission accomplished.

side mission gw adalah nyari susu kedelai bwt si papa, dan Coke Zero bwt gw sendiri. gw sukses, dan gw pulang.

ternyata pergi keluar rumah tanpa kacamata itu sulit juga. hahaii.

udah ah.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Panic! at the Disco dan The Young Veins

sekarang saya jadi jarang ngeliat twitter antara member2 kedua band ini.

bahkan Pete Wentz tampaknya ngambek sama Ryro sm Jon, soalnya dy udh g prnah twitter mreka lagi.

saya hendak membandingkan Panic! dengan Young Veins.

dari segi musik, jelas beda. meski mereka dulu satu band, ternyata bener aja, selera musiknya jauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

keliatan dari lagu yang dibikin Ryro sama yg dibikin Brendon.

yang satu, 'Oh Glory'. lagunya ada di bawah. [sumfah, enakeun!!]

yang satu, 'Change'

kedengeran banget bedanya. yang satu lebih semangat, yang satu lebih country.

mungkin keputusan mereka pisah band adalah keputusan terbaik. kalo ngga, ntar bisa tabrakan.

udah ah, saya ngefansnya sama Panic! aja. soalnya saya, jujur, nggak begitu suka suaranya Ryro.

waktu di Live in Denver sih suaranya bagus banget. begitu ngambil vocal lessons, malah jadi butut. jadi bingung.

yu ah.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

The Young Veins, Ryan Ross dan Elizabeth Berg

mungkin banyak yg g tau nama2 yg ada di judul postingan ini...

The Young Veins itu pecahannya Panic! at the Disco.

yoi, Ryro sama Jon udah bikin band baru dan namanya The Young Veins. lagunya ada di myspace mereka, judulnya "Change". kebetulan saya belom denger, dan sesungguhnya ngga tertarik.

karena inti dari saya pertama kali mendengarkan Panic! adalah untuk mendengarkan suara Brendon, bukan Ryro. hahaii.

dan tentu saja, saya belum planning untuk ngefans sama The Young Veins, karena:
1. sejujurnya saya masih ngambek sama Ryro sama Jon.

2. saya nggak pernah ngambek sama Brendon sama Spencer, karena mereka emang g salah.

3. lagu2nya Panic! yang baru katanya bakal lebih menjurus ke A Fever You Can't Sweat Out! yes!

4. sesungguhnya yg bikin Panic! jadi mirip The Beatles menurut saya adalah Ryro, jadi dengan hilangnya si biang keringat [LOH?! biang kerok maksud sayah!], mungkin Panic! akan kembali bersinar.

udah ah.

oke. lanjut.

Elizabeth Berg!

member all-girls band The Like. kagak beken, jangan nanya. saya juga kagak tau siapa mereka.

katanya, di twitter, cwe yg dikasih nickname Z-Berg ini...



I was like, "WHAAAAAAT?!! budak leutik bisa ngapung, udah nikah lagi!!!"

Lailo kulang ajal udah nikah teu ngundang2. pan sayah pengen ikutan makan plasmanannyah.
(Subtitle: Ryro kurang ajar udah nikah nggak ngundang2. kan sayah pengen ikutan makan prasmanannyah)

kasian Brendon...

tapi kata twitternya lagi...

Someone told me, turns out, I didn't get married!



boloho ai budak teh.

jadi geus kawin acan?! Ryro... dasar bodoh!

hhh... sudahlah.

tunggu tanggal maen slanjutnyah.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

words written by maestros...

bukan, bukan buku. tapi LIRIK LAGU. sinting. saya cinta lirik2 brikut ini. urutannya adl "lirik" - penyanyi - judul lagu - album. dan ini semua lagu2 dari band2 favorit sayah.

1. "My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies, fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly, my friends," - Queen - The Show Must Go On - Innuendo

2. "Now every day a new joy brings, my butterfly grew golden wings, it seems we learn as we grow old, some things that glitter may be gold," - Queen + Paul Rodgers - Some Things That Glitter - The Cosmos Rocks

3. "Place of hope and no pain, perfect skies with no rain, can leave this place but refrain," - Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife - Avenged Sevenfold

4. "A light to burn all the empires, so bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be," - My Chemical Romance - The Sharpest Lives - The Black Parade

5. "Broken down, like a mirror smashed to pieces, you learned the hard way to shut your mouth and smile, if these walls could talk, they will have so much to say, 'cos every time you fight the scars are gonna heal, but they're never gonna go away," - Simple Plan - No Love - Simple Plan

6. "I don't love you, I'm just passing the time, you could love me if I knew how to love, but who could love me, I am out of my mind?" - Panic! at the Disco - She Had the World - Pretty. Odd.

7. "And now I must confess that I'm a sinking ship, and I'm anchored by the weight on my heart 'cos it's filled with these feelings, but I keep my true thoughts locked inside my heart'd black box, and it won't be found, it won't survive through the smokes or the wreckage," - Good Charlotte - Where Would We Be Now? - Good Morning Revival

8. "Drop a heart, break a name, we're always sleeping in and sleeping for the wrong team, we're going down, down in an earlier round, and sugar we're going down, swinging, I'll be your number one with a bullet, a loaded God complex, cock it and pull it," - Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Going Down - From Under the Cork Tree

9. "Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars, drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are," - Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends - American Idiot

10. "Is there anybody out there? Can you pull me from this ocean of despair?" - Papa Roach - Lifeline - Metamorphosis

11. "And I came here to make you dance tonight, I don't care about my guilty pleasure for you, shut up, 'cos we won't stop, we're getting down 'til the sun's coming up," - Cobra Starship - Guilty Pleasure - ¡Viva La Cobra!

12. "To be loved, to be loved, what more could you ask for? To be loved, to be loved, everyone wants to be loved, to be loved, everyone, I'm not in love, this is not my heart, I'm not gonna waste these words..." - The Academy Is... - About a Girl - Fast Times at Barrington High

aaaand, that's it for now, i guess...

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

Friday, July 24, 2009

List of Celebrity Crushes

lagi ga ada gawe, jadi sayah bikin ini saja laaah...

1. John Richard Deacon (Queen, bass)
paling pertama sayah sukain di Queen, dan dia adalah cowok pertama yang sayah taksir. suer.

2. Brian Elwin "Synyster Gates" Haner, Jr. (Avenged Sevenfold, lead guitar)
sebenernya sebelum dia sayah suka sama Johnny dulu. haha. maap ya sayangs. wkwkwk.

3. Gerard Arthur Way (My Chemical Romance, lead vocals)
nah, kalo ini, perjalanannya panjang. pertama sayah emang suka sama dia duluan, tapi adiknya muncul, sayah jadi suka sama adiknya, Mikey. terus ke Frank. terus ke Mikey lagi. balik lagi dah ke Gee. wkwkwk!!

4. Gaetan-Jean Sebastien Lefebvre Pepin (Simple Plan, rhythm guitar)
pertama kali sayah suka sama David dulu. sebenernya sayah udah nyadar dari pertama klo dia cakep, cuman sayah terlalu tersepona sama David, jadi, yaaah... wkwkwk.

5. Jonathan Jacob Walker (unnamed band, bass)
pertama bukan dia, tapi Ryro. siapa yang nggak suka Ryro?! tapi ternyata dia memunculkan sisi hilariousnya, dan sayahpun tersepona. wkwkwk.

6. William Dean Martin (Good Charlotte, rhythm guitar)
paling pertama sayah sukai ya memang dia...

7. Patrick Martin Stumph (Fall Out Boy, lead vocals + rhythm guitar)
pertama suka Pete. tapi ternyata Pete gelo. lieur sayah, takut. jadi ke yg kalem aja. chubby, lucuu!

8. Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day, lead vocals + lead guitar)
pertamax! yes! yang laen tidak terlihat begitu menarik buat sayah. hahaii.

9. Jacoby Dakota Shaddix (Papa Roach, lead vocals)
pertama... cakepnya itu waktu rambutnya item/item + blonde streak. klo lg blonde full, aneh.

10. Jerry Allan Horton, Jr. (Papa Roach, lead guitar)
kdua dsukain stelah Coby. cakepnya kalo rambutnya pendek, terus turun. KYAKYAKYAA!!

11. Adam Taylor Siska (The Academy Is..., bass)
pertama mah cuman suka namanya doang, kan lucu, namanya kayak cewek, Sisky. wkwkwk. tapi ternyata orangnya juga lucu, jadi weeeh...

12. William Eugene Beckett, Jr. (The Academy Is..., lead vocals)
Bilvy itu kurus. asa palaur ningali dia luluncatan teu pararuguh, bisi patah... tapi dia ganteng! klo rambutnya pendek n pake kacamata...

13. Alexandro Francisco Suarez Virta Marquin Merceda (Cobra Starship, bass)
NGARANNA HARARESE!! panjang2 teuing boga ngaran, atuh jang! untung ganteng! hehe. pertama disukain. mukanya unik. wkwkwk.

14. Nate Novarro (Cobra Starship, drums)
drummer pertama yg saya keceng. wow kk wow. ganteng. dan setelah sayah pikir2, dia mirip Seb. wkwkwk.

yah... that's it, I guess... yg tau nama lengkapnya Nate Novarro, tell mi pliss. wkwkwk

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

Blood on My Hands

Singer: The Used
Written by: Bert McCracken
Album: Artwork

You felt the coldness in my eyes
And something I'm not revealing
Though you got used to my disguise
You can't shake this awful feeling

It's the me that I let you know, 'cos I'll never show
I have my reasons
I hate to say that I told you so, but I told you so

There's blood on my hands like the blood in you
Some things can't be treated so
Don't make me, don't make me be myself around you

Straight from your eyes it's barely me
Beautiful so disfigured
This other side that you can't see
Just praying you won't remember

Feel the pain that I never show
And I hope you know, it's never healing
I hate to say that I told you so, but I told you so

There's blood on my hands like the blood in you
Some things can't be treated so
Don't make me, don't make me be myself around you

Straight from your eyes it's barely me
Beautiful so disfigured
This other side that you can't see
Just praying you won't remember

There's blood on my hands like the blood in you
Some things can't be treated so
Don't make me, don't make me be myself around you

There's blood on my hands like the blood in you
Some things can't be treated so
Don't make me, don't make me be myself around you

There's blood!

Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me?)

Singer: Simple Plan
Album: Still Not Getting Any...

I open my eyes, I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light
I can't remember how, I can't remember why
I'm lying here tonight

And I can't stand the pain
And I can't make it go away
No, I can't stand the pain

How could this happen to me?
I made my mistakes, got nowhere to run
The night goes on as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life, I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me?

Everybody's screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I'm slipping off the edge, I'm hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again

So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
And I can't explain what happened
And I can't erase the things that I've done
No, I can't

How could this happen to me?
I made my mistakes, got nowhere to run
The night goes on as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life, I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me?

I made my mistakes, got nowhere to run
The night goes on as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life, I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me?

Time to Say Goodbye

Singer: Simple Plan
Written by: Chuck Comeau, Pierre Bouvier
Album: Simple Plan

I just don't wanna waste another day
I've been trying to make things right
But you shove it in my face
And all those things you've done to me, I can't erase
And I can't keep this inside
It's time to say goodbye

On the first day that I met you
I should've known to walk away
I should've told you you were crazy
And disappear without a trace
But instead I stood there waiting
Hoping you would come around
But you always find a way to let me down

It's time to say goodbye (I just don't want to waste another day)
It's time to say goodbye ('Cos things will never be the same)
It's time to say goodbye (You make me sick, I need to walk away)
It's time to say goodbye, It's time to say goodbye

After all the things I've done for you
You never tried to do the same
It's like you always play the victim
And I'm the one you always blame
When you need someone to save you
When you think you're gonna drown (think you're gonna drown)
You just grab your arms around me and pull me down

It's time to say goodbye (I just don't want to waste another day)
It's time to say goodbye ('Cos things will never be the same)
It's time to say goodbye (You make me sick, I need to walk away)
It's time to say goodbye, It's time to say goodbye

Now I'm gone, it's too late, you can't fix your mistakes
I was trying to save you from you
So you scream, so you cry, I can see through your lies
You're just trying to change me (trying to change me)

Somewhere in the distance, there's a place for me to go
I don't want you to hate me, but I think you need to know
You're weighing on my shoulders, and I'm sick of feeling down
So I guess it's time for me to say goodbye


Singer: Avenged Sevenfold
Written by: The Rev
Album: Avenged Sevenfold

Like walking into a dream, so unlike what you've seen
So unsure but it seems, 'cos we've been waiting for you
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste
Of your afterlife, here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway

I see a distant light, but girl, this can't be right
Such a surreal place to see, so how did this come to be
Arrived too early?

And when I think of all the places I just don't belong
I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far

I don't belong here, we gotta move on, dear
Escape from this afterlife
'Cos this time I'm right to move on and on
Far away from here

Place of hope and no pain, perfect skies with no rain
Can leave this place but refrain, 'cos we've been waiting for you
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste
Of your afterlife, here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway

This peace on earth's not right (with my back against the wall)
No pain or sign of time (I'm much too young to fall)
So out of place, don't wanna stay, I feel wrong and my sign
I've made up my mind

Give me your hand but realize I just wanna say goodbye
Please understand I have to leave and carry on my on life

I don't belong here, I gotta move on, dear
Escape from this afterlife
'Cos this time I'm right to move on and on
Far away from here

Got nothing against you, but surely I'll miss you
This place full of peace and light
And I'd hope you might take me back inside
When the time is right

Loved ones back home all crying 'cos they're already missing me
I pray by the grace of God that there's somebody listening
Give me a chance to be the person I wanna be
(The Rev - I am unbroken; I'm choking on this ecstasy)
Oh Lord, I'll try so hard, but you gotta let go of me
(The Rev - Unbreak me, unchain me, I need another chance to live)

I don't belong here, I gotta move on, dear
Escape from this afterlife
'Cos this time I'm right to move on and on
Far away from here

Got nothing against you, but surely I'll miss you
This place full of peace and light
And I'd hope you might take me back inside
When the time is right

Hollywood Whore

Singer: Papa Roach
Album: Metamorphosis

Hollywood whore, passed out on the floor
I'm sorry but the party's over

Cocaine nose and trendy clothes, gotta send her to rehab
She found out she's got no soul, but it really doesn't bother her
White trash queen, American dream, oh what a role model
Throwing a fit, making a scene like no tomorrow

Hollywood whore, passed out on the floor
I'm sorry but the party's over
The talk of the town, is she's going down?
I'm sorry but the party's over now!

Awake by noon, drunk by 4, sucked up in the showbiz
You're so lame, you're such a bore, I wanna kick your teeth in
Plastic smile to match your style, we can tell you got a face lift
You're so vein, oh so vile, you're a number one hit

Hollywood whore, passed out on the floor
I'm sorry but the party's over
The talk of the town, is she's going down?
I'm sorry but the party's over

The cameras are gone, and nobody screams
She couldn't survive her 15 minutes of fame
Her friends are all gone, she's going insane
She'll never survive without her money and fame
It's all going down the drain

Hollywood whore, passed out on the floor
I'm sorry but the party's over
The talk of the town, is she's going down?
I'm sorry but the party's over

Hollywood whore, passed out on the floor
I'm sorry but the party's over
The talk of the town, is she's going down?
I'm sorry but the party's over

Wake up! The party's over
Wake up! The party's over
Wake up! The party's over
Wake up! The party's over now!

Don't let the door hit ya when the good Lord split ya, honey!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Beast and the Harlot

Singer: Avenged Sevenfold
Written by: Avenged Sevenfold
Album: City of Evil

This shining city built of gold, a far cry from innocence
There's more that meets the eye 'round here
Look to the waters of the deep
A city of evil

There sat a seven headed beast, ten horns raised from its head
Symbolic woman sits on his throne
But hatred strips her and leaves her naked
The beast and the harlot

She's a dwelling place for demons
She's a cage for every unclean spirits
Every filthy bird that makes us drink
The poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings
Fallen now is Babylon the Great

The city dressed in jewels and gold, fine linen, myrrh and pearls
Her plagues will come all at once as mourners watch her burn
Destroyed in an hour

Merchants and captains of the world, sailors, navigators too
Will weep and mourn this loss as her sins piled to the skies
The beast and the harlot

She's a dwelling place for demons
She's a cage for every unclean spirits
Every filthy bird that makes us drink
The poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings
Fallen now is Babylon the Great

The day has come for all us sinners
If you're not a servant you'll be struck to the ground
Flee the burning, greedy city
Looking back on her to see there's nothing around
I don't believe in fairy tales and no one wants to go to hell
You'll make a wrong decision but it's easy to see
Now if you wanna serve above and be a king below with us
You're welcome to the city where your future is set forever

She's a dwelling place for demons
She's a cage for every unclean spirits
Every filthy bird that makes us drink
The poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings
Fallen now is Babylon the Great

She's a dwelling place for demons
She's a cage for every unclean spirits
Every filthy bird that makes us drink
The poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings
Fallen now is Babylon the Great


Singer: Green Day
Writer: Billie Joe Armstrong
Album: American Idiot

Say, hey!

Hear the sound of the falling rain
Coming down like an Armageddon flame (hey!)
The shame, the ones who died without a name

Hear the dogs howling out of key
To a hymn called 'Faith and Misery' (hey!)
And plead the company lost the war today

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday

Hear the drums pounding out of time
Another protester has crossed the line (hey!)
To find the money's on the other side

Can I get another 'amen'? (amen!)
There's a flag wrapped around a score of men (hey!)
A gag, a plastic bag on a monument

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday

3, 4!

The representative from California has the floor

Sieg Heil to the President Gasman, Bombs away is your punishment
Pulverize the Eiffel Towers, who criticize your government
Bang, bang, goes the broken glass and kill all the fags that don't agree
Trials by fire setting fire, is not a way that's meant for me
Just cause, just cause, because we're outlaws, yeah!

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
This is our lives on holiday


Singer: The Click Five
Written by: Ben Romans, Jez Ashurst, Chris Braide
Album: Modern Minds and Pastimes

She calls me baby, then she won't call me
Says she adores me, and then ignores me
Jenny, what's the problem?

She keeps her distance, and sits on fences
Puts up resistance, and builds defenses
Jenny, what's the problem?

You leave me hanging on a line
Everytime you change your mind

First you say you won't, then you say you will
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on
We're standing still, Jenny, you got me on my knees
Jenny, it's killing me

She needs her own space, she's playing mind games
Ends up in my place, saying that she's changed
Jenny, what's the problem?

I try to read between the lines
You got me going out of my mind

First you say you won't, then you say you will
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on
We're standing still, Jenny, you got me on my knees
Jenny, it's killing me

It's killing me
It's killing me

First you say you won't, then you say you will
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on
We're standing still, Jenny, you got me on my knees

First you say you won't, then you say you will
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on
We're standing still, Jenny, you got me on my knees
Jenny, it's killing me

It's killing me


Singer: Papa Roach
Album: Metamorphosis

When I was a boy, I didn't care 'bout a thing
It was me in this world and a broken dream
I was blaming myself for all that was going wrong

I was way out there, on a wrong side of town
And the ones that I love, I started pushing 'em out
Then I realized, that it was all my fault

I've been looking for a lifeline, for what seems like a lifetime
I'm drowning in the pain, breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline

So I put out my hand, and I ask for some help
We tore down the walls I built around myself
I was struck by the light, then I fell to the ground.

I've been looking for a lifeline, for what seems like a lifetime
I'm drowning in the pain, breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline
Is there anybody out there?
Can you pull me from this ocean of despair?
I'm drowning in the pain, breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline

You know a heart of gold won't take you all the way
And in a world so cold, it's hard to keep the faith
I'm never gonna fade away

I've been looking for a lifeline, for what seems like a lifetime
I'm drowning in the pain, breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline
Is there anybody out there?
Can you pull me from this ocean of despair?
I'm drowning in the pain, breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline

About a Girl

Singer: The Academy Is...
Written by: William Beckett & Mike Carden
Album: Fast Times at Barrington High

One song about a girl, can't breathe when I'm around her
I wait here everyday, in case she'll scratch the surface
She'll never notice...

I'm not in love, this is not my heart
I'm not gonna waste these words about a girl


Last night, I knew what to say, but you weren't there to hear it
These lines so well-rehearsed, tongue-tied and overloaded
You'll never notice...

I'm not in love, this is not my heart
I'm not gonna waste these words about a girl
I'm not in love, this is not your song
I'm not gonna waste these words about a girl

To be loved, to be loved, what more could you ask for?
To be loved, to be loved, everyone wants
To be loved, to be loved, everyone...

I'm not in love, this is not my heart
I'm not gonna waste these words...

I'm not in love, this is not my heart
I'm not gonna waste these words about a girl
I'm not in love, this is not your song
I'm not gonna waste these words about a girl


kelas baru saya...



cwenya pada gordes smua, dari kecil makan toa kli y.

stress sendiri guah.

udah ah, ngomelnya. hehe.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

Friday, July 10, 2009

UPDATED!! My Random Facts

1. gw suka Queen, dari umur 3-going-on-4. muda? memang. hehe.

2. lirik lagu Queen yg paling pertama gw hapal adl Bohemian Rhapsody, lengkap dgn opera sectionnya. ajaib.

3. gw menganggap Paul Rodgers GANTENG BANGET klo lagi pke kacamata.

4. gw wkt kecil lebih cepet blajar jalan daripada blajar ngomong. begitu bisa ngomong, nggak bisa berenti ngomong gw. begitu umur 14/15, langsung jadi pendiem. aneh.

5. gw itu antisosial, lebih suka nongkrong di pojokan sendirian sambil dengerin MP3 daripada ngobrol sama tmn2. sejak SMA, gw punya banyak temen, jadi rada ilang lah, tapi kebiasaan ini masih suka muncul, kalo lagi sendirian. jadi, jangan biarin gw sendiri, kalo nggak mau gw jadi ansos.

6. gw adalah tipikal orang yg pasti sering dapet Celebrity Crushes, atau naksir sama seleb.

so far, gw udah naksir sama:
- John Deacon (Queen, bass)
- Synyster Gates (Avenged Sevenfold, lead guitar)
- Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance, vocal)
- Sebastien Lefebvre (Simple Plan, rhythm guitar)
- Jon Walker ([untitled band], bass)
- Billy Martin (Good Charlotte, rhythm guitar)
- Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy, vocal, rhythm guitar)
- Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day, vocal, lead guitar)
- Jacoby Shaddix (Papa Roach, vocal)
- Jerry Horton (Papa Roach, guitar)
- Adam T. Siska (The Academy Is..., bass)
- William Beckett (The Academy Is..., vocal)
- Alex Suarez (Cobra Starship, bass)
- Gabe Saporta (Cobra Starship, vocal)

dan entah kenapa gw nggak pernah naksir sama drummer. dan gw lebih sering attracted sama orang yg megang instrumen bersenar, baik gitar maupun bass. dan instrumen lain yg ada senarnya.

7. pertama kali liat cover kaset Queen's Greatest Hits, gw langsung bilang orang yg ada di sebelah Freddie, yg rambutnya coklat, pke jaket yg ada tulisan Queen, GANTENG GILA. dan ternyata itu adalah John Deacon.

8. gw paling ngga bisa ngomong depan umum. singkatnya, sering kena stage fright/demam panggung.

9. gw takut sama Allah, takut sama kecoa, takut sama tikus, and most of all, gw takut sama setan.

10. gw paling lemah klo udah ngeliat cwo cakep yg rambutnya natural blonde, macem Roger Taylor. anehnya, celeb crush gw nggak pernah ada yg natural blonde.

11. menurut gw, kita bisa mengenal watak seseorang lewat MATA. watak seseorang bisa diliat dari sorot matanya. kalo sorot matanya kuat, pasti orang itu tegas n kuat. kalo loyo, berarti tuh orang nggak punya semangat idup. kasian.

12. kaset Queen pertama gw adl Greatest Hits. sampe sekarang, koleksi kaset Queen ada 24. 13 studio album, 3 compilation album, 3 set live album (1 set 2 kaset), 2 solo album, dan akan bertambah terus sampe lengkap!

13. surga dunia gw ada tiga, namanya TOKO KASET ANTIK, CLASSIC ROCK CAFE, sama RUMAH.

14. kalo marah (kecuali dpn ortu, cari mati itu namanya), gw sering tanpa sengaja ngomong an**ng, go**ok, f**k, s**t, atau bahkan f**k s**t godd**n motherf**king f**k. (ahahahahaha!!)

15. gw mulai ngomong the f-word sejak gw nonton Shaun of the Dead.

16. gw pngn masuk astronomi, tapi ngga bisa mateka n fisika.

17. gw paling benci kalo udah ada org yg bilang gw pngn msk astronomi soalnya Brian May org astronomi.

18. gw pngn msk astronomi soalnya gw pngn ngeliat langsung supernova, supernova remnant, komet, macem2 nebula, sama white dwarf. gw dh prnah liat gbrny n gbrny KEREN BANGET.

19. klo gw nonton film smp nangis, trs nonton lagi film yg sama, nangis ngga akan keulang2, kecuali klo gw nonton The Bucket List dan Brokeback Mountain.

20. anehnya, gw brasa kna kutukan. kakeknenek gw dari kdua blah pihak meninggalnya slang-sling 2 taun. Eyang Kakung (kakek dari papa) meninggal taun 1998, terus Aki (kakek dari mama) meninggal taun 2000, Eni (nenek dari mama) meninggal taun 2002. pas taun 2004, gw pikir kutukannya ngga jalan lagi. taunya Yangti (nenek dari papa) waktu bulan Desember meninggal. abislah kakeknenek gw...

21. gw paling HEBOH kalo ada lagu band favorit di film2. atau kalo ada video klip band favorit gw di TV. atau interview mereka di TV. bisa mampus gw.

22. gw dulu ngga suka Brian May gara2 rambutnya ANEH BANGET. tapi sekarang, gw jadi cinta bgt sama Brian May, karena dy ganteng, dan kalo rambutnya ngga keriting n panjang, pasti BUTUT!

23. gw dulu ngga nyadar klo Roger Taylor sebenernya cakep. bru nyadar stlah Anya bilang dy ganteng.

24. gw dulu suka sama Roger, tapi sejak tau pribadinya, bisa tiba2 benci berat sm Roger.

25. gw paling ngga bisa berantem/adu mulut bneran sama Neta, Dewi, Dina sama Ina my best friends.

26. gw ngga inget masa kecil gw, palingan ingetnya mulai dari umur 4.

27. kena kecelakaan mobil cuman sekali, waktu umur 4, pulang dari Tangkuban Perahu, mobil punya polisi (bukan mobil polisi) nabrak dari belakang, si bagian kanan mobilna nyusruk ka solokan. si papamama cuman shock, gw duduk d blakang, n kjeduk jok depan, jidat benjol. si teteh, sikutnya berdarah, kena tape mobil. kita brenti, trs istirahat d restoran yg berada tepat di depan TKP.

28. kluarga inti (papamamateteharin) bisa ngasih kutukan sama restoran non-fast food yg baru buka/ngga beken. klo kita makan disitu, beberapa minggu/bulan kmudian pasti restoran itu tutup. kecuali Selaras, kita sampe 2 kli makan disitu, baru tutup. smoga Classic Rock Cafe ngga kena!!

29. John Deacon is my first crush. ever.

30. gw pertama kali cinta sama seorang cwo, adalah sama si 'binatang-pohon-biadab'. jujur, gw sampe sekarang nggak bisa berenti cinta sama dy.

31. gw ngerasa, novel yg gw tulis rasanya nggak pernah ada yg hasil sendiri, pasti bisa lancar ditulis kalo udah liat hasil kerja orang laen.

32. gw nggak pernah PD sama diri sendiri. kalo ada tugas sekolah/ulangan, gw nggak pernah ngerasa kalo gw bisa. hasilnya bisa bagus, bisa jelek.

33. gw selalu bisa ngasih ilmu tentang penyakit yg gw tau. gw selalu bisa ngasih solusi kalo temen2 gw ada yg punya masalah. gw bisa jadi psikolog/psikiater pribadi temen2 gw, tapi gw nggak bisa ngurus masalah gw sendiri.

34. gw paling minder kalo tau nilai gw lebih jelek dari temen2 gw.

35. gw punya sikap pesimis yg sama sekali nggak bisa diilangin. sikap ini kayak udah jadi bagian dari hidup gw yg permanen. segimanapun pengennya gw ngilangin sikap ini, tapi tetep aja pasti sekali waktu balik lagi. gw juga seorang yang sering emo.

36. gw pertama kali suka Papa Roach hanya karena Jacoby itu ganteng. dan karena Jacoby mirip Syn.

37. gw suka Avenged Sevenfold setelah gw baca fanficnya. dan gw suka Syn juga setelah baca fanfic Avenged Sevenfold.

38. gw suka My Chemical Romance setelah ketemu sama Dina. and for that, I am grateful.

39. gw adalah salah satu dari banyak orang yang menyukai dan ampir ngefans sama orang LGBT, atau Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual. gw mendukung pernikahan sesama jenis, meskipun gw bukan LGBT, dan meskipun dilarang agama. yang penting yang nikah sama sesama jenis bukan gw. wkwkwk.

40. gw paling benci sama orang yang homophobic atau takut sama orang LGBT. nggak mutu. nggak ngaca. tolol. bodoh. orang LGBT juga manusia tau, kalo yang LGBT itu sodara kalian gimana? mau didepak dari keluarga? nggak mungkin, kan? don't deal, accept.

yahh.. sgitu dulu aja yaa..
tunggu tanggal main selanjutnya..

Panic at the Disco


Ryro sama Jon keluar. mau bikin band baru. oke. sowat.

sombong amat, yak?

baru rilis 2 album, lagi bikin yang ke3, udah maen keluar aja.

gtau deh apa namanya kalo bukan sombong n egois.

ya udah lah ya.

sing sukses lah, Panic at the Disco yg sekarang udah ditinggalin Ryro sama Jon, sama band Ryro sama Jon yg baru.

dibantu sama doa sama sayah.

oh iya...


haha, you're 28 already, baby.

and happy birthday, my beloved daddy.

i know you love your gift. you put it in our car and put on sunglasses on it.

you wanna know what i gave my dad?

Teddy-nya Mr. Bean.

abis papa suka Mr. Bean, gw liat bonekanya. y gw beli lah. hehe.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

Monday, June 29, 2009


it's officially titled now...

"The Ultimate Sinner"

lots of plot twist.

lots of gayness. :p

not gonna end happy, for those who are homomania.

it's gonna end happy, for those who are homophobics. curse you.

my novel is like a big middle finger for the homophobics.

i think it's gonna need a sequel. but it's gonna take long.

i started it... a long, long time ago.

it reached 19K words already... 58 pages. still too short.

need more inspiration, hope it comes quickly and easily.

and maybe i can write 2K words and so much more in one day!


EDIT: endingnya diganti. hehe. jadi bahagia-bahagia aja. wkwkwk. tapi pemeran utamanya ngga jadi normal. sori yey. wkwkwk.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009



saya baru saja menemukan film favorit saya.

film ini sesuai banget sama kesukaan saya, dan film ini bikin saya nangis.

film apa?



ni film sakti banget, sumpah.

this film made me cry, squeal and smile.

ini gw kasih sneak peek-nya...

Ennis del Mar (alm. Heath Ledger) sama Jack Twist (JAKE GYLLENHAAL KYAKYA!!) ketemu di kantor Joe Aguirre, dua-duanya sama-sama mau daftar kerjaan.

Mereka disuruh ngurusin domba di Brokeback Mountain.

Long story short, satu malem, Ennis tidur di luar, katirisan, diundang masuk ke kemah sama Jack, and they did what some people did when they're cold. hehe.

Meski Ennis bilang itu cuman "one-shot" atau one time thing, tapi mereka tetep nggak bisa lupa sama satu sama lain. (AWWW, SO SWEEET!!!! hehe. sorry, can't help it.)

Ennis nikah sama tunangannya, Alma (Michelle Williams), terus Jack ketemu sama Lureen (ANNE HATHAWAY KYAKYA!!), terus nikah. Dua-duanya masing-masing punya anak.

Mereka ketemuan 4 tahun kemudian, terus mereka pas ketemu cipokan. Alma ngeliat mereka cipokan. Hayo loh...


lanjutannya, tonton sendiri filmnya.

susah loh nyari DVD-nya. hehe. minjem sama sayah aja.

nilai plus film ini:

- ada gay relationship. YES!
- pasangannya Heath Ledger orang ganteng, Jake Gyllenhaal. YES!
- ada Anne Hathaway. YES!

nilai min film ini:

- masih ada het relationship.
- waktu Ennis sama Jack berantem, di pertemuan selanjutnya mereka tiba-tiba akur lagi. kapan baekannya?
- surat-surat yg dikirim back and forth antara Ennis sama Jack nggak pernah dibacain out loud, terus tulisannya sambung, teu kabaca, jadi nggak ngerti isinya apa.

film ini juga dapet award bagus.



udah ah.

pengen nonton lagi.

nggak puas nonton cuman sekali.

yu ah.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

such a f**king f**k-up

my f**king foolishness has cost me my best friend.

Ina remains oblivious, whereas Dina won't even look at me, let alone talk to me now.

when I talk to her, all I got was just a mere nod or a shake of her head.

had I kept my mouth shut, this won't happen.

if I was alone, I felt lonelier now.

it's final and official.

Syn had lost his Zacky.
Gerard had lost his Frank.
Séb had lost his Pierre.
Jon had lost his Ryan.
Billy had lost his Maddens.
Patrick had lost his Pete.
Billie Joe had lost his Tré.
Jacoby had lost his Quinn.

with their loss, all that was left was just a mere vessel, empty without its soul.

just kill me now, so I won't have to cry and drown in the sadness all over again.

after the material of my stupidity was revealed, we could never look at each other with the same look on both of our faces.

when everything changes, I'll tell you.

I'll keep the updates posted.

but I doubt anything will change.

or maybe it's just me, who knows.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah..

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I am a creature of jealousy.
Who isn't a creature of jealousy?
If there are some, I would love to meet one.

Arin baru sadar, kalo Arin nggak benci sama Che de Rasta.

bukan benci, tapi iri.

Arin iri sama kalian yang temenan sama semua orang, sedangkan Arin rasanya susah banget mau ngomong sama kalian doang.

Arin nggak benci sama Dina n Ina.

bukan benci, tapi iri.

Arin iri bukan sama kalian, tapi sama hubungan kalian.

Arin udah kenal Dina lebih lama, tapi Dina keliatannya lebih seneng sama Ina.

Arin iri sama Ina n Dina, yang gampang banget suka n disukain orang laen.

(sukanya diliat dari sudut pandang umum, bukan romansa. tolong, ya.)

nggak, Arin nggak benci sama Ina.

Arin sayang sama Ina, Arin juga sayang sama Dina.

kalo nggak ada kalian, Arin nggak bisa ngapa-ngapain.

makasih udah mau temenan sama Arin.

mungkin udah takdirnya Arin jadi makhluk ANTIsosial.
mungkin udah takdirnya Arin sendirian.
mungkin udah takdirnya Arin nggak pinter ngomong.
mungkin udah takdirnya Arin pesimis.
mungkin udah takdirnya Arin nggak gampang suka sama orang laen.
mungkin udah takdirnya Arin nggak gampang disukain sama orang laen.

maap, lagi dalam mood MOMOGI.

eMO-eMO GIla.

tunggu tanggal maen slanjutnyah...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I need some moral support...


setelah ampir seminggu susah nafas.

ternyata gw divonis kena bronkhitis kronis.

dasar bodoh.

Kata Babam: "Yang sabar, OK, jangan dijadiin beban,"
Kata Dimsas: "Makanya, pake double, triple ato tremble jaket biar nggak kedinginan..."
Kata Pras: "Wah, ternyata penyakit kita sama!"
Kata Dimsum: "ASTAGHFIRULLAH... wah, teu lucu! serius!! tong patah semangat, oke bro!"

thanks, dudes.


Kata Dina: "jahh, watir,"



poor me.

i think she prefers to hang out with Ina than me now.

Friday, May 8, 2009

not much of a difference...

ternyata tetep aj ad yg g enak d klas yg skrg.

gw g sk sm muka mrk wkt ngliat gw.

seakan2 gw anak sombong/anak nyebelin.

ngga kbalik?

those f**king b***hes are pissing me the f**k off

yg 1 ceplas-ceplos, yg 1 sarkastik n sok cantik

mauny ap si?

y'know what?

those b***hes could kiss my f**king a**

be grateful that I still have the heart to help you two f**king b***hes

I have seven big words for you..


Friday, March 27, 2009

This Ain't a Scene, it's an Arms Race

Singer: Fall Out Boy
Written by: Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz
Album: Infinity on High

I am an arms dealer
Fitting you with weapons in the form of words
And don't really care which side wins
As long as the room keeps singing
That's just the business I'm in, yeah

This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race
I'm not a shoulder to cry on
But I digress

I'm a leading man
And the lies I weave are oh-so-intricate,
I'm a leading man
And the lies I weave are oh-so-intricate,

I wrote the gospel on giving up
(You look pretty sinking)
But the real bombshells have already sunk
(Prima donnas of the gutter)
At night we're painting your trash gold while you sleep
Crashing not like hips or cars,
No, more like p-p-p-parties

This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race
This bandwagon's full
Please, catch another

I'm a leading man
And the lies I weave are oh-so-intricate,
I'm a leading man
And the lies I weave are oh-so-intricate,

All the boys who the dance floor didn't love
And all the girls whose lips couldn't move fast enough
Sing, until your lungs give out

This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race
(Now you)
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race
(Wear out the groove)
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race
(Sing out loud)
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race
(Oh, oh)
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamned arms race

I'm a leading man
And the lies I weave are oh-so-intricate,
I'm a leading man
And the lies I weave are oh-so-intricate,


Singer: Queen + Paul Rodgers
Written by: Roger Taylor
Album: The Cosmos Rocks

I like to sit here in the sunshine
The trees in the fields are green sublime
Suspended in time
And don't it make you feel small

I like to sit here by the fire's light
The trees in the fields lie bare to the night
The stars burn bright
And don't it make you feel small

Everyone needs a place they can hide
Hide away find a space to be alone
Everyone needs a place they can hide
Everyone needs to find peace sublime

I like to sit here in the autumn time
The trees in the fields they rustle in the wind
The church bells gently chime
Gentle on your mind
Suspended in time
And don't it make you feel small

Everyone needs a place they can hide
Everyone needs to find peace sublime
Oh-oh, peace of mind

Everyone needs a place they can hide
Hide away find a space to be alone
Everyone needs a place they can hide
Hide away find a space to be alone
Everyone needs a place they can hide
Hide away find a space to be alone
Everyone needs a place they can hide
Everyone needs to find peace sublime

Ohh, ohhh, peace of mind

Some Things That Glitter

Singer: Queen + Paul Rodgers
Written by: Brian May
Album: The Cosmos Rocks

Once I loved a butterfly
Don't wonder how, don't ask me why
But I believed what I'd been told
All things that glitter can't be gold
Ooh-ooh-ooh-oooh, ooh-ooh-oooh, ooh-ooh-oooh, yeah
All things that glitter can't be gold

Those jealous minds conspired to say
Just let that creature fly away
How can it be she has it all
Her pride is headed for a fall
Ooh-ooh-ooh-oooh, ooh-ooh-oooh, ooh-ooh-oooh, yeah
All things that glitter can't be gold

Oh Lord, what races we run
Seeking our place in the sun
Reaching and hoping we'll find the right one

Now every day a new joy brings
My butterfly grew golden wings
It seems we find as we grow old
Some things that glitter may be gold
Ooh-ooh-ooh-oooh, ooh-ooh-oooh, ooh-ooh-oooh, yeah
Yeah, yeah, some things that glitter may be gold

So let us mind what's there to see
Before our hearts become too cold
In spite of all that we've been told
Some things that glitter may be gold

Ooh-ooh-ooh-oooh, ooh-ooh-oooh, ooh-ooh-oooh, yeah
Some things that glitter may be gold
Ooh-ooh-ooh-oooh, ooh-ooh-oooh, ooh-ooh-oooh, yeah
Some things that glitter may be gold


Singer: Simple Plan
Album: No Pads, No Helmets, Just Balls...

Hey, dad, look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
Do you think I'm wasting my time
Doing things I wanna do?
But it hurts when you disapprove all along

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't pretend that I'm all right
and you can't change me

'Cos we've lost it all
Nothing last forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero?
All the days you spent with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care anymore

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's alright

'Cos we've lost it all
Nothing last forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
Nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard just to talk to you
But you don't understand

'Cos we've lost it all
Nothing last forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

'Cos we've lost it all
Nothing last forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

My Alien

Singer: Simple Plan
Album: No Pads, No Helmets, Just Balls...

I'm sick of being alone, when are you coming home?
Just a glimpse of your face
I can remember smelling your hair, I'll meet you anywhere
Somewhere that no one can retrace
Somewhere where nobody will know our faces

She has two arms to hold me
And four legs to wrap around me
She's not your typical girlfriend
She's my alien
She's my alien

She knows when something is wrong, when something doesn't belong
She can read in my mind
And she can be assured that with me, there is no conspiracy
She's not wasting her time
She can take me to the place that she calls home
And a spaceship that will someday be my own
Please take me to your leader
Tell her I will surrender
(I will surrender)

She has two arms to hold me
And four legs to wrap around me
She's not your typical girlfriend
She's my alien

My alien
My alien
My alien
My alien
My alien
My alien

She has two arms to hold me
And four legs to wrap around me
She's not your typical girlfriend
She's my alien

I bought the astronaut's kit
Now all I need's a rocket
My love intergalactic friend
My alien

Keep Your Hands Off My Girl

Singer: Good Charlotte
Album: Good Morning Revival

Let the record play
Let the record play
Let the record play

The way that you dance, the way that you move
The way that you stare at me across the room
You carry Dior bags, and you got your Chanel
You wear Louis Vuitton, HG, and YSL
Now I've got Bathing Ape, I got DCMA
I got brass knuckles hanging from my neck in my chain
I got a Model 26, but she stays in her place
I got a Kershaw, neatly tucked inside of my waist

And the record keeps playing the same old song
The hipsters been mugging on me all night long
They said, "Ahha, ahha,
Keep your hands off my girl, keep your hands off my girl,"
They said, "Ahha, ahha,"
But the record keeps playing the same old song
They said, "Ahha, ahha,"
Keep your hands off my girl, keep your hands off my girl,"

Now she's sweating my friends, and my hurricane shoes
She likes the records I spin, my Adam Barton tattoo
But she can't say, "what's up?" so what does she do?
She just stays posted up the other side of the room
I got AMC tattooed on my hand
I got a black wall street on a black bandanna

And the record keeps playing the same old song
The hipsters been mugging on me all night long
They said, "Ahha, ahha,
Keep your hands off my girl, keep your hands off my girl,"
They said, "Ahha, ahha,"
But the record keeps playing the same old song
They said, "Ahha, ahha,"
Keep your hands off my girl, keep your hands off my girl,"

She, she, she don't wanna talk about it
He, he, he wants to fight about
Me, me, I don't wanna fight about it
I just wanna be about it
I'm just trying to stay up out it
Step out the wagon, you know the boy starts to hate
The girl that came with him
That's like, "That's not the boy she dates,"
They get the fighting and swearing
And now the boyfriend is staring the disco ball on the ceiling
Looks like the chain that I'm wearing
But the music keeps blaring
I got brass knuckles hanging from my neck in my chain
I got brass knuckles hanging from my neck in my chain

And the record keeps playing the same old song
The hipsters been mugging on me all night long
They said, "Ahha, ahha,
Keep your hands off my girl, keep your hands off my girl,"
And the record keeps playing the same old song
The hipsters been mugging on me all night long
They said, "Ahha, ahha,
Keep your hands off my girl, keep your hands off my girl,"

You carry Dior bags, and you got your Chanel
You wear Louis Vuitton, HG, and YSL
Now I've got Bathing Ape, I got DCMA
I got brass knuckles hanging from my neck in my chain
I got brass knuckles hanging from my neck in my chain

House of Wolves

Singer: My Chemical Romance
Album: The Black Parade

Well, I know a thing about contrition
Because I got enough to spare
And I've been granting your permission
'Cos you haven't got a prayer

I said, hey, hey, Hallelujah
I wanna come all sing the praise
I'd like the spirit come on through ya
We got innocence for days!

Well, I think I'm gonna burn in hell
Everybody burn the house right down

And say what I wanna say
Tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave
Tell me I'm a bad man, kick me like a stray
Tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave

S-I-N, I-S-I-N
S-I-N, I-S-I-N
S-I-N, I-S-I-N
S-I-N, I-S-I-N

You play ring around the ambulance
Like you never gave a care
So get the choir boys around you
It's a compliment, I swear

And I said, ashes to ashes, we all fall down
I wanna hear you sing the praise
I said, ashes to ashes, we all fall down
We got innocence for days!

Well, I think I'm gonna burn in hell
Everybody burn the house right down

And say what I wanna say
Tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave
Tell me I'm a bad man, kick me like a stray
Tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave

You better run like the devil 'cos they're never gonna leave you alone
You better hide up in the alley 'cos they're never gonna find you a home
And as the blood runs down the walls, you see me creepin' up these halls
I've been a bad motherfucker, tell your sister I'm another

And I said, say what I wanna say
Tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave
Tell me I'm a bad man, kick me like a stray
Tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave

Tell me I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad man
Tell me I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad man
Tell me I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad man
Tell me I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad man

So get up!
So get out!
S-I-N, I-S-I-N!

Northern Downpour

Singer: Panic! at the Disco
Album: Pretty. Odd.

Urie - If all our life is but a dream
Fantastic posing greed
Then we should feed our jewelry to the sea
For diamonds do appear to be
Just like broken glass to me

And then she said she can't believe
Genius only comes along
In storms of fabled foreign tongues
Tripping eyes and flooded lungs
Northern downpour sends its love

Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don't you go down
Sugarcane, in the easy morning
Weathervanes, my one and lonely

The ink is running towards the page
It's chasing off the days
Look back at boat feet and that winding knee
I missed your skin when you were east
You clicked your heels and wished for me

Through playful lips made of yarn
That fragile Capricorn
Unraveled words like moths upon old scarves
I know the world's a broken bone
But melt your headaches, call it home

Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don't you go down
Sugarcane, in the easy morning
Weathervanes, my one and lonely

Ross - Sugarcane, in the easy morning
Weathervanes, my one and lonely

Urie - Sugarcane, in the easy morning
Weathervanes, my one and lonely

Sugarcane, in the easy morning
Weathervanes, my one and lonely

Sugarcane, in the easy morning
Weathervanes, my one and lonely

Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don't you go down
You are at the top of my lungs
Drawn to the ones who never yawn

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where Would We be Now?

Singer: Good Charlotte
Written by: Brothers Blood (Joel and Benji Madden and Billy Martin)
Album: Good Morning Revival

I smile, you laugh, I look away
I sigh, you ask me, "Why?" I say
"It's okay," and "I'm just feeling down,"
Your hand on mine I hear the words
"If only love had found us first
Our lives, they would be different,"
So I stand and wait
I am just a man

Where would we be now, baby
If we found each other first?
Where would we be now, baby?

And now I must confess that I'm a sinking ship
And I'm anchored by the weight on my heart
'Cos it filled with these feelings
But I keep my true thoughts locked
Inside my heart's black box
And it won't be found
It won't survive through the smoke or the wreckage
So I crash and burn
I got a lot of things to learn

Where would we be now, baby
If we found each other first?
What would you do now, darling
If I said these simple words:
"I'll wait, I'll wait
As long as you want,"?
But where would we be now, baby?

I'll wait, I'll wait

Where would we be now, baby
If we found each other first?
What would you do now, darling
If I said these simple words:
"I'll wait, I'll wait
As long as you want,"?
But where would we be now, baby?

I'll wait, I'll wait
I'll wait, I'll wait

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jingle Bombs

Singer: Achmed the Dead Terrorist/Jeff Dunham

Dashing through the sand
With a bomb strapped to my back
I have a nasty plan
For Christmas in Iraq

I got through checkpoint A
But not through checkpoint B
That's when I got shot in the ass
By the U.S. Military

Oh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
Mine blew up, you see
Where are all the virgins that Bin Laden promised me?
Jingle bombs, jingle bombs
Your soldiers shot me dead
The only thing that I have left is this towel upon my head

I used to be a man
But every time I cough
Thanks to Uncle Sam
My nuts keep falling off

My bombing days are done
I need to find some work
Perhaps it would be much safer
As a convenience store night clerk

Oh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
I think I got screwed
Don't laugh at me because I'm dead
Or I'll kill you


namanya umuuuuum!!!

- John Deacon, Queen
- Johnny Christ, Avenged Sevenfold
- Jon Walker, Panic! at the Disco

- Brian May, Queen
- Brian Haner, Jr. (Synyster Gates), Avenged Sevenfold

- Matt Shadows, Avenged Sevenfold
- Matt Berry, Avenged Sevenfold's roadie
- Matthew Bellamy, MUSE
- Matt Tuck, Bullet for My Valentine

- Jimmy Sullivan (The Rev), Avenged Sevenfold
- James Hart, Burn Halo/Eighteen Visions

banyak bgt artis yg sharing nama pertama. NAMANYA UMUUUUM!!!

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

UTS, and the after effect

UTS selesai. OK. mari bersorak selama sekitar 5 menit.


OK, more likely 5 seconds, but, whatever.

UTS selesai. tidak berarti kita bisa bernafas lega, men.

UTS selesai, and all hell will break loose.

right after we recieve the death notice.


atau yg sering disebut RAPOT BAYANGAN...

akan mengantarkan kita ke alam baka lebih cepat dari yang kita kira.

begitu liat ke selembar kertas yg nggak berdosa itu...


100 = Bahasa Jepang
84 = Bahasa Inggris
83 = Komputer
77 = Sejarah (ajaib!)
73 = Bahasa Sunda (ajaib lagi!)

oke, lumayan lah ya. tapi bahasa semua men.


67 = Agama (wew, gw yg biadab ini... wkwkwk)
65 = Matematika (lumayan lah...)
60 = Ekonomi
60 = Kimia
56 = B. Indonesia
55 = Fisika
48 = Biologi
47 = PKn (dasar si sayah emang nggak bermoral...)
37 = Geografi (aduh!)


oh, God... motherf**ker...

I'm SO screwed.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah... itu juga kalo sayah masih punya izin internetan... :((

new comedy!!

Two words. JEFF. DUNHAM.

a motherf**king genius.

gaul. sangat.

apalagi Achmed, the Dead Terrorist, boneka tengkorak yg sebelum mati katanya gawenya suicide bomber.

ini beberapa memorable quote Achmed...

"Good evening... Infidels..."
"Goddamnit. Oh! I mean, Allah, damnit,"
"I'm a horrible parent... I took [my son] to "Take Your Kid to Work" Day..."
"It's not funny!"
"My wife is still pissed at me! She came to the market and said, "Where's our son?" then I go "Over there, over there, and up there,","
"Kids nowadays, they blow up so fast..."
"I can't wait to see Santa Claus, I'm gonna sit on his knees, I'm gonna tell him what I want, then I'm gonna blow him up!"
"No! Do not say my name! I'm incognito..."
Jeff: "You're Muslim,"
Achmed: "No, I'm not! I'm made in China!"

bagi kalian yg ngefans sama Synyster Gates dari Avenged Sevenfold pasti udah nggak asing sama nama Papa Gates, kan?

yap, Papa Gates itu Brian Haner, Sr. atau papanya Synyster Gates. duh.

dia ikut tur bareng Jeff Dunham juga, jadi kalo kalian ngefans sama Papa Gates, tonton video lagunya Achmed, Jingle Bombs!

liriknya akan diprovide secepatnya...

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

just for fun...

1.Spend all day with just one Avenged member or 10 minutes with all five?
All day with Brian XD.

2.Go to a meet & greet and no concert or concert and no meet & greet?
Concert n no meet n greet

3.Steal one of Matt's t-shirts or one of Brian's guitar picks?
Guitar pick!

4.Sing in front of Avenged Sevenfold or sing in front of their fans?
Sing in front of A7X. Malu2in kalo nyanyi di depan fansnya mah. Bisi jelek suaranya :D

5.Go on a date with Zacky or just be friends with all five of them?
Be friends. Kalo go on a date with Zacky gue bisa dipeuncit sama Dina.

6.Get a tattoo with Johnny or perform with Avenged?
Perform with A7X! Ga boleh punya tato sih...

7.Be friends with Matt or friends with Brian?
Friends with Brian, lah...

8.Touch Matt's mohawk or touch Brian's.. *lacking word to describe gorgeous hair*?
Brian’s hair.... KYAAAA!!!

9.Hug Papa Gates or hug whoever the hell Zack's dad is?
Papa Gates!!

10.Be picked for Warmness on the Soul or have one of them tell you you're beautiful?
Have Brian tell me I’m beautiful. TIDAAAAKKKK!!!

11.Have Johnny laugh at something you say or have Jimmy make you laugh?
Johnny laugh at something I say. I love making people laugh.

12.Get a bear hug from Matt or a high five from Zacky?
Bear huggg!! Bisa dikulitin sama Dina kalo hi-5 sama Zacky.

13.Get invited to a concert after party or invited on stage?
On stage aja ah. Kalo after party, agak bahaya... XD.

14.Be the star 'love interest' in a A7X music video or record a song with them?
Be the star ‘love interest’... meski cuman peran, apapun akan saya usahakan demi jadi ‘love interest’-nya Brian!! Yey!

15.Announce A7X on stage or be the opening performer?
Opening performer!

16.Arm wrestle Johnny or play wiffle ball with Zacky?
Arm wrestle aja, meski tau bakal kalah. Wkwkwkwk.

17.Beat box for Zacky while he's rapping or rap with him?
Rap aja, gak bisa beat box!

18.Learn to play guitar from Brian or to play piano from Jimmy AND Matt?
Play guitar from Brian!

19.Sing with Matt on stage or dance with Johnny?
Sing with Matt! Rame!

20.Get a phone call from Brian or a text message from Zacky?
Phone call from Brian!!

21.Go bowling with Matt and Zacky or watch a movie with Jimmy and Johnny?

22.Trip over in front of Matt or have a blonde moment in front of Jimmy?
Blonde moment. Lebih tidak memalukan daripada ti soledat di hareupeun jelema kasep.

23.Ride in Avenged's bus with all of them or in Matt's car with just him?
Bus... asal ada Brian. Wkwkwkwk.

24.Help straighten Brian's hair or help straighten Zacky's hair?

25.See Matt shirtless or see all five boys at a pool at a hotel you're staying at?
Poooool... sering liar kalo Matt shirtless mah... lumayan, ada Brian... kyakyakyakyakya...

26.Get an autograph from all of them or get just a hug from them?
Autograph deh. Yang bisa disimpen di dalam dan luar hati. Wkwkwk.

27.Get a kiss on the cheek from Jimmy or have all five think you're beautiful?
Kalo kiss on the cheek from Jimmy, gue dibakar sama Ina nanti... jadi have all of them think I’m beautiful.

28.See Johnny in a store while shopping or see Matt in an arcade?
Matt in an arcade. Gue nggak begitu suka shopping.

29.Meet just Jimmy and get a hug or meet all five and just get to say hi?
Meet all five and just get to say hi... YANG PENTING ADA BRIAN!!

30.Steal Brian's guitar or Jimmy's favorite drumsticks?
Brian’s guitar... hehehehehehehhhhhh....

31.Get a big hug from Val or get a picture with Papa Gates?
Picture with Papa Gates!

32.Have Brian notice your sign on stage or have Matt wave at you on stage?
Brian notice my sign! Yang penting BRIAN!

33.Meet just Matt and Johnny or just Jimmy and Zacky?
Meet just Matt and Johnny. Yang safe-safe aja. Kalo Jimmy sama Zacky gue bisa jadi mangsa Dina sama Ina yang selanjutnya.

34.Have Zacky smile at you or have Matt laugh at something you say?
Matt laugh at something I say.

35.Have Johnny bring you out food in the morning at a show or give them gifts?
Give them gifts!

36.Be on the tour bus at TOC with them or be on stage with them?
Tour bus, biar bisa liat mereka aslinya. Wkwkwk.

37.Get to go backstage at a concert or get 20 minutes alone at a meet & greet?
Backstage. Brian kalo keringetan ajib men. Wakakakakakakkkkk.

38.Try to sneak onto their tour bus or try to sneak backstage?
Tour bus!

39.See Jimmy at KFC or Zacky at McDonalds?
Kalo Brian di Classic Rock Cafe gimana? Wkwkkwk.. Jimmy di KFC deh. Gue lebih suka KFC daripada McD. Well, either way, I’m gonna be killed.

40.See Zacky dance in person or hear Johnny attempt to rap in person?
Zacky jogeeeet!!

41.Have a dance contest against Jimmy or have a singing contest against Brian?
Singing contest with Brian... biar bisa denger Brian nyanyi. Wkwkwk.

42.Play against Matt in halo or against Brian in guitar hero?
Brian di Guitar Hero. Gue ngga bisa maen Halo.

43.Go on a date with Zacky or see all five in the street and get hugs?
Hugs! Mampus gue kalo nge-date sama Zacky!

44.Meet them at a concert or meet them randomly in disney world?
Disney Wooooorld!!! my f**king childish side... di depan org2 ganteng!! GAH!!

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

new game for Queen lovers!

ada game namanya SingStar.

banyaaaaak bgt lagunya.

tapi ada yg spesial, baru mau kluar, hrsnya sih.



Available for PS3 and PS2!!


mungkin kagak bakal dirilis di Indo.


tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

Friday, January 30, 2009



they're back!!

they're covering Bob Dylan's song, "Desolation Row"

and they made a f**king video for it!!

there's a preview of the video, in


Gee-nya ganteeng...


and it's a really cool song, but i haven't managed to download it...

damn it.

and they're recording a new album as we speak!


here's the link to the video preview in!

so cool!

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah!

me and my small 'family'. so much fun!

well, in my class, me and 8 of my friends, we made this small 'family'... called the Lieur Family.

because our mission is to make the world LIEUR!


there are...
1. Our 'Father', R. Bramadi N. W. (nama belakang remains anon) atau Babam atau Cupang (jangan nanya kenapa dipanggil cupang, agak... disturbing. hehe.)
2. Our 'Father-ish Mother', Reza Satya atau Obama (wkwkwkwk!!! Obama, karena dia mirip Barack Obama, tapi sebenernya dia Michelle Obama, karena dia 'mama' wkwkwk!)
3. The 1st child, Dimas Adhi Putra atau Dimsas atau Cacing (jgn tanya!)
4. The 2nd child, Prasetia Pramudhita Yuliarso atau Pras
5. The 3rd child, Dina Amalia, kdg suka diplesetin jadi Dina Mamalia. wkwkwk!!!
6. The 4th child, Ina Rosdiana
7. The 5th child, me! Marina Savira atau Arin
8. The 6th child, Gary Malik Albana.
9. And the last child, Dimas Pangestu, si Big Youngest Son. wkwkwk. Dimsum, Dimsum...

geez, i'm young! :D

this is my small family, the family that keeps me insane, not sane. :D

my closest 'brother' Gary, knows that I'm a sucker for gay people. and he started to, like, hugs Pras and Reza, tries to kiss Reza and such... he made me literally squealed. KYAAAAAA!!!!!

as much as I love my closest 'brother', he was kinda annoying.

and we have our own Friendster! check it out!

yeah! my small 'family' ROCKS!

it's basically the only thing that keeps me alive and insane, aside from my real family.

tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

hari dimana gw ngrasa malu n rasanya sakit bgt.

pelajaran MTK, Trigonometri.

pas hari Selasa gw g masuk, sakit.

n gw g blajar.

wkt ad yg kena tanya sin30 brp, pada ngasih petunjuk sm yg lagi ditanyain.

gw sama sekali ngga ngerti apa yg mereka omongin.

i felt out of place.

i felt left out.

i felt... stupid.

pengen nangis, ntar pada nanyain knapa.

trs gw kna tanya tan30 brp, cari pke rumus.

mana gw ngerti?


ngga ngerti.

pengen nangis.

and it f**king hurts.


tunggu tgl maen slanjutnyah...

oh, anyway...

Happy New Years.